City Hall

Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 5:00 PM
Last convened as a Commission in 2014, the Charter Review Commission reviews the Columbus City Charter and may recommend changes. The Commissioners are now holding a hearing to receive comments from the public on the topics and proposals discussed thus far and to come. Topics include the initiative petition process, open meetings by public bodies, and who may serve as acting mayor.  Any resident seeking to submit written testimony should submit their testimony to the Commission.

Written testimony must be received two hours prior to the start of the hearing on the day of the meeting and should be emailed to John Oswalt at Any resident wishing to appear via WebEx to provide testimony during the hearing should email John Oswalt at the day prior to the hearing to request a WebEx panelist link.

Residents wishing to provide testimony in person at City Hall must fill out and submit a speaker slip prior to the start of the hearing.  You can submit a speaker slip online for presenting in person on Webex. Fill in N/A for the Ordinance/Resolution Number, and in the box, write, "Charter Review Commission Public Hearing."  Each speaker will be limited to remarks lasting no longer than three minutes.

The meetings will broadcast live on CTV, the City's YouTube Channel and Facebook Live. For more information about the 2022 Charter Review Commission, please visit If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback on the commission’s work, email  

For information on problems associated with proposed changes to the city charter regarding ballot initiative process, please read Bill Lyon’s Op-Ed: City's overreaction to 'green' group's $87M plan like spraying herbicide on flowers. In the actual paper on April 18, the article was entitled, " City charter changes would 'erode' our rights".  Also see Key Facts on this below in section on Resources for Activism. Location:  Columbus City Council Chambers, City Hall, 90 W. Broad St., Columbus.