Wednesday, May 18, 12noon, Ohio Statehouse
H.B. 434 — The “Advanced Nuclear Technology Helping Energize Mankind (ANTHEM) Act” — is another radioactive taxpayer boondoggle that has passed the Ohio House and has moved on to the Ohio Senate! They haven’t even revoked H.B. 6 yet, and not one of the conspirators in H.B. 6 has gone to jail, but this is an even bigger swindle.
One company stands to benefit — eGeneration, of Cleveland — and the floodgate will be open for others. This is Corporate Welfare! H.B. 434 will create an unaccountable nuclear agency with no responsibility to the public.
The agency will be buried in the notoriously secretive JobsOhio nonprofit corporation, excused from public accessibility under the Open Records Act, the Sunshine Act, and Ohio’s ethics laws; will have no budget limits on use of taxpayer funds; provides no financial protections for the public from accidents or spills; is vague about radioactive waste handling and disposal, and many other important aspects.
Speakers: Pat Marida, Ohio Sierra Club’s Nuclear Free Committee; Terry Lodge, Attorney; and others.
Hosted by Our Revolution and the Ohio Green Party.