

NORML Appalachia of Ohio and Sensible Movement Coalition added Corning, Kent, Laurelville, Rushville & Shawnee to the list of Sensible Cities in Ohio. This makes a total of 36 communities including Toledo, Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland. With these communities no longer tied to archaic Marijuana Laws, local law enforcement can now concentrate on legitimate criminal concerns. 

Don Keeney, Executive Director from NORML Appalachia of Ohio stated, “another election cycle, where Ohioians exercise their right to Home Rule. It’s a great feeling to guide them on a true path of democracy, the way it was intended. We’re seven years into the process and close to three million citizens, in 36 cities, towns & villages have been freed from Ohio’s oppressive laws. We will continue with our goals, one community at a time.” 

Any citizen of Ohio can initiate the process of placing the Sensible Marihuana Initiative on the Ballot, in their community, by simply contacting NORML Appalachia of Ohio.