
Thursday, September 21, 6pm, this event will be occurring via “Facebook Live

Several studies conducted by OutCare Health show that healthcare professionals, including primary care doctors, dementia care specialists, residents, and students across a variety of fields, lack proper LGBTQ+ patient education, training, exposure, and preparedness. This is largely because the healthcare needs of LGBTQ+ individuals are seldom addressed in medical school curricula in the U.S.

This insufficient knowledge can lead to discrimination from medical personnel and/or subsequent misdiagnosis of patients. In this OutTalk, join us for a discussion with community leaders and healthcare professionals as they talk about the future of medical education and address the need for LGBTQ+ focused curricula for the next generation of providers.

Panelists include:

• Craig W. Johnson (he/him), Group Manager of Minority Affairs Section, American Medical Association

• Fae Nova Kronman, MS (they/them), Executive Director, Medical Student Pride Alliance

• Alison Pittman, PhD, MSN, CPN, RN, CNE (she/her), Clinical Assistant Professor at the Texas A&M College of Nursing

• John Sovec, LMFT (he/him), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Author, and OutTalk Moderator

RSVP for this event by clicking “Going” on this “Facebook event” page [that has a “Join Event” link that is not currently active].

Hosted by OutCare Health.


Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 6:00pm

Event Type: