Barrels with radioactive symbols on the ground

Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 10:00 AM
Ohio House Bill 308 would do that!  Nuclear power is dirty, dangerous, and expensive and now must be funded almost entirely by the public!  Don’t let the legislature saddle the public with radioactive waste and paying for nuclear power!    

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Written testimony opposing Ohio House Bill 308 is needed by 10 am on Tuesday, Dec. 12.  

For talking points, the Ohio Nuclear Free Network’s information sheet is here: OHIO HB 308 Turns Nuclear Waste Green.   

Send your written testimony in a document, along with your Witness Form, by 10 am Dec. 12 to: OHREnergy& This should be sent along with an Accessible Witness Form. 

Fill out the Witness Form, save it in your computer, and send it to the committee as a document. The Witness Form is the place for your address and phone number, preferably not on your testimony because that will be public information.  

Your greeting can go like this: Chair Kick, Vice-Chair Lear, Ranking Member Rogers, and members of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. 

The House Energy and Natural Resources Committee will be taking opponent testimony a day later, at 10 am on Dec. 13.

You are welcome to attend this meeting in Room 116 of the Ohio Statehouse.  If you need more information, contact Pat Marida