Protest at Chase "McCoy Center" Headquarters in Columbus
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Chase is THE LARGEST fossil fuel funder on the planet. They've pumped over $434 BILLION into deadly fossil fuels worldwide since 2016.
JOIN US for a protest at Chase "McCoy Center" headquarters in Columbus. If this is the 'Real McCoy' they need a REALITY CHECK!
This will be peaceful protests and we do not anticipate any arrest risk. Rain or shine (unless lightning).
This protest, organized by Third Act Ohio, is part of a larger "Spring Spark" group of actions happening in NYC and across the country on this day.
All are welcome. Please Be There!!
Meet up: 3:30pm, Krispy Kreme, 1021 Polaris Pkwy, Columbus (inside if raining, parking lot, otherwise). We will convene and move to 2 close-by protest sites.
If you have questions, or need a ride to the protest site, please email us at
Community Conversations with the Ohio Community Rights Network
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 6:00 PM
The Ohio Community Rights Network invites you for a discussion on The Industrial Excess Landfill (IEL) - Ohio’s Regulatory Train Wreck from around the state. This will be the third in a series of Community Conversations which OHCRN will facilitate monthly.
We will hear from an activist who has been fighting this disaster for 40 years. In order to prepare for a rich discussion, we are asking you to view this short 6-minute video Uniontown, Ohio Landfill News Clip #24 and consider the following questions beforehand.
1. Is a former 30-acre sand and gravel pit, unlined, on a hill, near the center of town, with 3000 residents living within a 1-mile radius (mostly dependent upon well water) a proper location for an industrial landfill? Where is a good location for an industrial landfill?
2. How long do you let residents ingest contaminated groundwater before testing, then inform them that they MUST abandon their private wells (under the threat of civil penalties and fines) to hook up to a provided public water supply?
3. The remedy provided by the combined professional expertise and resources of the USEPA, Ohio EPA, Ohio Department of Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), multinational Potentially Responsible Parties, US Army, National Analytical Radiation Environmental Laboratory (NAREL) and others was to simply cover the IEL site with a 4” thick semi-permeable cap and surround it by a chain-link fence. How protected would you feel living next to that?
4. Do court settlements with imposed gag-orders supersede the public’s right to know when life, health, safety, and welfare are at stake? Worded differently, does money supersede humanity?