Friday, May 24, 11am-1pm, Rev1 Ventures [main conference room], 1275 Kinnear Rd.
The City of Columbus is working on the Bike Plus plan to improve biking, scooting, and skating throughout the city. We want to learn from residents about the barriers, challenges, opportunities, and trade-offs they support regarding biking and micro-mobility. We are inviting older adults to join us for a facilitated conversation focused on the unique experience of older adults with biking and micro-mobility in Columbus. Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging (COAAA), Age-Friendly Columbus and Franklin County, and the City of Columbus are collaborating to host this event.
Lunch will be provided. We are excited to learn from you and happy to answer any questions.
Please RSVP to Letitia Cetina at <>.
Hosted by Age-Friendly Columbus and Bike Plus: A Plan for Biking, Scooting, and Rolling in Columbus.
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