Police car

On Monday, July 1, the City of Columbus will put a local activist on trial for alleged jaywalking and obstruction of official business. These charges are part of an ongoing practice of the City’s police department and City Attorney's office in retaliatory targeting of local activists with pretextual charges when they advocate for human rights.

As reported in the Columbus Free Press in 20201, and as captured on police body camera footage in March of 20242, Columbus Police officers repeatedly admit to a policy of targeting peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment rights.

Elizabeth Andromeda, who uses an electric wheelchair due to quadriplegia, is a familiar presence at peaceful protests in Columbus. She has previously faced charges for peaceful actions taken in protest of violent efforts to evict encampments of unhoused residents in Columbus. Despite the illegitimate nature of the charges, the City Attorney's office has chosen to pursue the case.

Mx. Andromeda maintains her innocence and expects to be acquitted on July 1st.

Mx. Andromeda makes the following statement:

"The Columbus Police consistently deferring to the actions of violent right-wing extremists while simultaneously targeting peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment rights with arbitrarily applied and bogus charges, brutalization, and discriminatory arrests, are a stain on our democracy.

The charges against me are but a small part of this long-standing malicious and dangerous practice of law enforcement and prosecutors in this city.

The same officers who exchange 'fist bumps' and gesture coded hand signals with white supremacists, engage in suppression of those who protest for humans rights, against war, and against state sanctioned violence.

It is unacceptable, but not surprising, that Columbus Police and their lackeys in the City Attorney's office go after those who wish to build a better world while also protecting the despicably hateful elements of our society that seek to destroy any progress we’ve made in human and civil rights."

Mx. Andromeda's trial is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 1 at 10am in Franklin County Municipal Court, Courtroom 13B, on Case No. 2024 CR B 005331 and Case No. 2024 TR D 113167

Mx. Andromeda is represented by attorney Kiley Landusky of the Franklin County Public Defender’s Office.

1. https://columbusfreepress.com/article/columbus-police-officer-who-supports-blm-%E2%80%9Cit%E2%80%99s-combination%E2%80%A6-end-protests-and-retaliation%E2%80%9D

2. https://x.com/d0tslash/status/1767789059634602028