Tuesday, July 9, 11:30am-1pm, Huntington Center, 41 S. High St.

Although not one of the “Big 4” dirtiest fossil-fuel-funding banks, Huntington has a particular climate problem here in Ohio: they are funding the toxic, polluting, and unnecessary plastics “recycling” (i.e., incineration) industry, making all of Ohio a “Climate Sacrifice Zone.”

Please come join what promises to be a fun and lively event, meet other Ohio Third Actors, and help get the message to Huntington Bank that Ohioans say:

No! to their greenwashing

No! to Ohio becoming a “Climate Sacrifice Zone” to further line corporate pockets, and

Yes! to a total pivot to funding for (true!) renewables

This event is a part of Elders Week, a national effort from Climate Defenders, and co-sponsored by Third Act and other organizations.

Now is the time! Pressure Huntington to stop funding this Merry-Go-Round!

Hosted by Third Act Ohio.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024 - 11:30am

Event Type: