
People posing with Election Protection sign

We are Ohio's coalition of voter advocates dedicated to ensuring that our elections are modern, secure and accessible to all Ohioans. The Ohio Voter Rights Coalition believes our democracy is strongest when it includes us all. When voters have access to the ballot and make our voices heard, we create a democracy that is more just, equitable, inclusive, and reflective of the values we want to see in the world. 

2024 Fall Election Protection Trainings

OVRC Welcome video 

Open Office Hours: For all your questions or just to say hi! We will be here every Friday from 1-2pm starting October 11 through Election Day. Join here!

Poll Monitors 

Poll Monitors support voters at the polls in-person, answering questions but also connecting voters denied the ballot to legal resources. This is a great way to directly assist voters and be our eyes and ears at the polls, making sure every valid registered voter gets to exercise their rights.

  • October 9, 12pm
  • October 16, 6pm
  • October 23, 12pm
  • November 1, 12pm

BOE Monitoring: 

Attend your local Board of Elections meetings to observe their process and report back to us about any need-to-know developments, including equipment testing. We will observe now until after the election when all votes are counted and certified. 

Social media monitoring:

Social Media Monitors will identify voters posting on social media about problems voting, and connect them to resources and support. Additionally, you’ll be catching and reporting vote-related misinformation and disinformation. 


Yard Sign & Material Distribution

 Ambassadors are needed now through Election Day to help spread the word about the Election Protection Hotline 866-OUR-VOTE to friends, neighbors and community members. Ambassadors distribute posters, palm cards, and yard signs featuring the Election Protection Hotline 866-OUR-VOTE to high traffic areas, such as barbershops, bookstores, churches, coffee shops and food pantries.

Command Center

Individuals, with legal experience, who solely work to resolve tickets from the hotline by communicating with county Boards of Elections, voters, and our field team on the ground.