Police beating a guy and details about event

Join us for O22 2024 on Tuesday, October 22nd from noon-2pm on the lawn in front of the Ohio Statehouse (High Street side). RSVP here!

New to O22? October 22 is the National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality, and this year we will use our collective voice to honor the more than 1200 Ohioans whose lives have been cut short by police brutality since 2000. O22 2024 is hosted by the Ohio Police Reform Policy Table, a coalition of organizations working to better public safety in Ohio led by Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality and OFUPAC.

Families directly impacted by police brutality are leading the event, with speakers and memorial activities planned. Attendees will hear stories of how time is a factor in each family’s fight for accountability. Attendees will also have the opportunity to support families directly, through learning, postcards, and more.

Please spend your lunch or your afternoon with us and stand with families who have lost loved ones to police violence in Ohio.

While there are 1200 known murders that Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality have been able to research and record since 2000, we know too that many more deaths are unrecorded, and we mourn for every family member living without a loved one. 

O22 is a national day of recognition, founded in 1996 by Food Not Bombs, the Revolutionary Communist Party, the December 12th Movement, the Four Winds Student Movement, the Community Self Defense Program, and the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal and MOVE. October 22, 1996 was coordinated by Refuse & Resist and the National Lawyers Guild. This will be the 27th year of its commemoration. 

Learn more about O22, the National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality: https://www.october22.org

It's time for accountability. Join us.