
Big brick building

Idea Foundry - photo by 

The Columbus Dispatch reported (City finances purchase of Idea Foundry and Gravity Experience Park in Franklinton January 13, 2025) that the City of Columbus has purchased The Idea Foundry and Gravity Experience Park for $7.5 million. The purchase was made with taxpayer grant agreements made out to Columbus Next Generation which is the City’s non-profit development arm. Next Generation Executive Director Boyce Safford, who is a former City of Columbus Development Director has served in his role since 2013 and is paid $168,062 annually. Some may recall that Director Safford told a group of minority business contractors at an April 2009 meeting that “they need to contribute to Columbus officials’ political campaigns if they expect to win contracts from City Hall” (Columbus Dispatch City officials advice upsets contractors, April 11, 2009.)

Kaufman Development purchased these two properties through its West State Street LLC for $5.75 million in March of 2022. In April 2024 Kaufman Development sought to sell these two properties for $9.5 million. News reports at the time stated that Kaufman was selling the properties due to “nationwide challenges” related to office workers shifting to the “work-from-home-model.” The Dispatch January 13th story reported that “Gravity ran into financial problems” and that Development Director Mike Stevens asked Mr. Safford to purchase the properties. Director Stevens is also the Ex Officio of Next Generation. According to Next Generations 990 Tax Form, “The organization is fully controlled by the City of Columbus and the city has ultimate approval of all matters.”

Apparently there have been no takers for Kaufman’s two properties so Ginther and company have come to dear Mr. Kaufman’s rescue. Next Generation is not in the business of purchasing functional structures which makes this purchase even more suspicious. The sale of this property reeks of a City Hall bailout for one of their sweetheart developers who pads the campaign committees of Ginther and various City Council members. From 2019 -2024 Bret Kaufman has donated $45,907 to Mayor Ginther’s campaign committee and $28,292 to City Council President Hardin. Just one more example of Columbus City Hall corruption that continues to go unchecked.