Have you noticed those cool ComFest T-shirts the volunteers are rocking? Well, guess what? You could be the one designing this year's logo! ComFest is reaching out to all creative minds to submit their logo ideas! #ComFest2025
Incorporate the dates: June 27, 28, & 29, 2025
Include "Community Festival" and "Goodale Park"
Integrate the Hopewell symbol
Your design should be entirely original - no clip art, copyrighted, or AI generated material allowed. Keep it simple: one-color designs only, and make sure it's print-ready.
Send your entry to logo@comfest.com by March 4th to be considered OR bring your entry directly to the contest on March 6th
Join in to vote for your favorite on March 6th at 7:30 PM at Witchlab Lounge 1185 W. Broad Street (at S. Yale Ave.) Columbus OH 43222
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