Details about event

Friday, March 7, 12noon-3pm
Ohio Statehouse

Who should join: Anyone who wants to support science in a peaceful (but hopefully loud) way.

Where to go: We will be outside in the West Plaza of the Ohio Statehouse. This is the exterior area facing S. High Street. Look for the statue of William McKinley to know you are on the correct side of the building.

What to wear: It’s Ohio in March so watch the weather. With the weather in mind, we encourage people to wear their science stuff. Lab coats, safety goggles, or whatever neat science gear you might have that is safe in an exterior public gathering (so maybe leave the glass beakers back in the lab).

Signs: We love signs! Please do not mount signs on hard/wooden sticks though. They create a safety hazard in large crowds. Cardboard supports (like wrapping paper tubes) can be a good, safer substitute.

Bonus idea: active scientists, you can turn an old conference poster into a sign! Just use the back side to write/draw your message in support of science.

Parking: The Statehouse has public parking for a fee (read more here). Most of downtown Columbus streets also have metered street parking paid by a mobile app (ParkColumbus). This parking app is run by ParkMobile so if you have the ParkMobile app from another city, it will likely work in Columbus. There are other public parking garages scattered around downtown, as well.

Rally safety: We will be exercising our First Amendment rights in a public space. We are peaceful and nonpartisan. ACLU Central Ohio has tips about your rights when exercising your free speech muscles in Ohio.

RSVP for this event by using this link.

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