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Wednesday, March 19, 1:30pm, Ohio Statehouse

Block off your calendar for this coming Wednesday, 3-19-2025. We need you in Columbus.

The Higher Education Destruction Act (Ohio S.B. 1) is scheduled to pass out of the Ohio legislature that day. We need a huge Statehouse presence.

You can march to the Statehouse from The Ohio State University (leaving from the intersection of 15th Ave. and N. High St. at 1pm) _or_ meet us outside of the Statehouse [near the McKinley statue] at 1:30pm.

This protest will last as long as the Ohio House is debating the Higher Education Destruction Act (S.B. 1).

Please come if you can. We need as many people in Columbus as possible on Wednesday.

Hosted by Honesty for Ohio Education.

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