
Details about event

On Wednesday, March 19th, the Ohio Student Association is marching from the Ohio State University to the Ohio Statehouse while the House votes to pass Senate Bill 1, the Higher Education Destruction Act. We call on DeWine to Stand Up for Students: Veto SB 1.

WHO: Ohio State Students and higher education allies

WHAT: We are marching from The Ohio State University to the Ohio Statehouse while our elected representatives in the House vote to pass Senate Bill 1. Students call on Gov. DeWine to do the right thing: Stand Up for Students. Veto the bill.

WHEN + WHERE: Wednesday, March 19, the Ohio State University → the Ohio Statehouse 

  • 12:00 PM -  Students walkout and gather at 15th St. and High St. Students state wide will also walk out of class at Noon in solitary to the efforts at our Capitol. 
  • ~1:00 PM - Leave from OSU, march down High Street.
  • ~2:30 PM - Arrive at the Statehouse, meet at McKinley Statue. Rallying together.

WHY: Higher education is on its deathbed as the House gathers for session (beginning at 2:00PM) to pass the Higher Education Destruction Act. Our legislators refuse to listen to students: instead they are choosing to sacrifice our campuses, our economy, and our futures for their political gain. Students have submitted over 1,700 testimonies opposing the Higher Education Destruction Act. There has not been a single student proponent from a public university. Thousands of us have protested on our campuses and at the statehouse.  Students unequivocally reject SB 1. Our legislators have refused to hear us. We implore DeWine: Save higher ed. Stand Up for Students. Veto SB 1.