
Articles by Author

10 July 2018



C.J. Hinke has produced probably the best collection I’ve read of writings by and about conscientious objectors and war refusers behind...

07 July 2018


There was something quite odd about the very welcome news that some Google employees were objecting to a military contract, namely all the other...

05 July 2018

I’m going to praise the heck out of yet another terrific book I’ve just read while yet again exclaiming (into a deep empty echoing canyon?) my...

03 July 2018

Tear gas is among the least of the problems facing those who care about the murder and destruction of war. But it is a major element in the militarization...

02 July 2018

Newly popular Democratic politician hero and nominee for a seat in the U.S. Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used to have these words on her ...

02 July 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ platform is dramatically better than many may realize. It tackles the greatest evil in existence in a way that no other big-2...
