"Past Lives" is a masterpiece about deep, genuine human emotion. In her directorial debut, Celine Song demonstrates a self-assured confidence and delivers...
"Asteroid City" is undeniably the most Wes Andersony movie to date, with his vivid colors, meta-narrative, and signature cast of quirky characters. This...
“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” is the new animated film that follows "Into the Spider-Verse." It will be succeeded by "Beyond the Spider-Verse." The...
Undoubtedly, "Master Gardener" demands your attention as it's another slow burn from Paul Schrader. This film represents the later independent phase of...
"Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" is a film adapted from a book by Judy Blume, first published in 1970, and directed by Kelly Freeman Craig, the...