
Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

07 January 2021


As the New Year asserts itself — a year that begins in global lockdown and political shock-and-awe — an extraordinary question emerges: Are we on...

16 December 2020

“We won't be in a position to make permanent progressive changes until the bad governments are changed permanently into good governments. And all...

09 December 2020

Our post-election hope couldn’t be more fragile.

Does Joe Biden see his mission as merely reclaiming situation normal from Donald Trump? How aware is...

26 November 2020

Step one: Defeat Trump. OK, now comes the hard part.

We have to take back the country, and what I really mean is take it “forward,” beyond situation...

19 November 2020

So here’s an odd, mostly overlooked scrap of recent news: Donald Trump wants to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq before he leaves office, and is...

12 November 2020

And now . . . what?

Joe Biden, in blatant defiance of the wishes of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, has won the vote and claimed the...
