Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

21 August 2014


Black ’hood, white cops. “Get the fuck on the sidewalk.”

And so it begins, and begins, and begins. An African-American boy dies for walking in...

15 August 2014



Our kills are clean and secular; theirs are messy and religious.

“In their effort to create a caliphate across parts of Iraq and Syria...

08 August 2014



Before nuclear weapons, after nuclear weapons . . .

“The latter era, of course,” writes...

08 June 2014



Too often “the law” is nothing more than prejudice embedded in jargon.  

So the Obama administration, in its attempt to hammer another...

21 May 2014



Writing recently in TheNation, Chris Hayes drew an...

12 March 2014
White flight, corporate flight . . .

I grew up just outside Detroit and have felt an ache in my heart for this bleeding city for so many years...
