Colorful family drawn by a kid

Although this is not a milestone that we wished to have reached, we would like to come together to recognize and reflect upon the 900 days that Miriam and her family have spent living in sanctuary. Let’s continue the fight (¡Que siga la lucha!) to ensure that Miriam does not spend a day more in the shackles of sanctuary.

Please join us on Sunday, December 13th at 6:00pm for a Zoom event that will include music, an update from Miriam herself, a call to action, ways to help Miriam and her family, and an hour to spend in the uplifting company of community.

ZOOM LINK for the event:

If you would like to help Miriam and her family directly but cannot attend the event:

Please visit our GoFundme and contribute what you can. All donations go directly to Miriam to cover basic needs and legal fees for when she is finally free:

Event plan:

Welcome remarks

Update from Miriam

Call to Action

Meeting request with the Biden-Harris Transition Team

Have the form filled out and screenshotted to share on screen or in PDF link

Songs of solidarity

Closing remarks