Old First Presbyterian Church

Along with a few dozen Columbus-area residents of diverse age, occupation, gender, and race, my wife and I delighted in the monthly First Things event on Saturday, March 18.

Sponsored by Four Seasons City Farm—“one organization, many growing sites”—First Things is a monthly “fund raiser and friend raiser” using the exceptional, truly historic rooms of the landmark, all but forgotten Old First Presbyterian Church on Bryden Road in Old Town East, Columbus.

First Things calls us to celebrate Columbus’ best preserved, if neglected, historic area. Missing from the embarrassing AIA Guide to Columbus, the church—the oldest in Columbus—was founded in 1806.

Now on the third Saturday of each month, from 7-11 pm, the church is home to First Things.

Its twin highlights are the free snacks and treats presented by Four Seasons, and the People’s Express Jazz Orchestra. A trio for its March presentation, the jazz group consists of retired Ohio State Distinguished University Professor of Geography Kevin Cox, his pianist son Gerard Cox, and their friend Aaron Putnam on drums and percussion. They hope to add a guitarist and perhaps others. They performed two sets of traditional and modern jazz classics while interacting with the audience.

The March event was distinguished by an amazing 4-year-old girl applauding and dancing to the beat of the music. Planning to begin ballet and jazz dance lessons soon, she clapped, then high-fived, and played paddy cakes with me with infectious smiles and laughter.

All the while, the audience listened attentively, sometimes moving to the next room for snacks or casual conversation.

First Things should not be missed. Pass the good word.