Tuesday, October 26, 7pm, this on-line event requires advance registration
Simply Living is relaunching its “Sustainable U: Community Education for a Sustainable world.”
The “Economics of Happiness” discussion course will begin Tuesday, October 26, at 7pm, and will run for five sessions.
Course Description: This discussion course is based on the award-winning film “Economics of Happiness,” developed by Helena Norberg-Hodge and her team at LocalFutures.org. Each session includes content from the film or related media, a presentation that frames and explores the topic in greater depth, and class discussions based on selected readings in the booklet “Localization: Essential Steps to an Economics of Happiness.”
Course facilitator: Chuck Lynd is a founding member and past board member of Simply Living. He serves on the Ohio Sustainable Business Council, where he advocates for local economic development and an economy that works for everyone.
Cost: The course is free for Simply Living members. If you are not a member or if your membership has lapsed, you may join or rejoin at simplyliving.org/membership.
Course schedule
October 26: Introduction and orientation
November 2: Globalization
November 9: Local Economy
December 7: Community Localization
December 14: Big Picture Activism
RSVP for this event by using this link.
Hosted by Simply Living.
Facebook Event