
Details about event

Sunday, April 30, 2pm, beginning and ending at Goodale Park, 120 W. Goodale St.

May 1, known as May Day, is also International Labor Day. This date was chosen to commemorate the Haymarket Affair, the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration on May 4, 1886, in Chicago’s Haymarket Square. What better way to celebrate than learning about your own local labor history? Join Columbus DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] for a labor history bike tour of Columbus this year on April 30th!

Our bike ride will show that the struggles of yesteryear are still today’s struggles, but despite that, change and progress are possible in Columbus. Learning the context of where we’ve been can help with understanding where we’re going and where we can see mirrors. In some ways, our tour of Columbus will feel like a ghost tour of labor horrors past — places that once stood and held the power of the people that are no longer standing. Disappointments and bitter defeats alongside some hard-fought wins. Some things unexpected out of the city we know. Ultimately, our bike tour will be about the universality of our struggle and solidarity with workers in our city and the world over.

You’ll also have the opportunity to experience every different aspect of Columbus’ bike infrastructure: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Meet us at Goodale Park (you can join us for the May Day Picnic beforehand, too!); we’ll get started at 2pm. We anticipate this bike ride being approximately three hours long, likely with 14 stops and around five miles in total. The ride will start and stop at Goodale Park.

We encourage you to wear red for this ride! Please bring water.

Hosted by Columbus DSA [Democratic Socialists of America].

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