
Gail Larned is a fiber artist, has been collaborating with Eric Marlow, jewelry designer, on artistic endeavors for more than three decades. Gail’s artist statement reads: It is my intention to create art that brings an element of natural beauty to the environment. The flower sculptures and dioramas that I make are monumental in scale and elicit a sense of child-like wonder in the viewer. This suspension of the familiar is beneficial in that it allows one to be transported to another reality – much like a feeling of Alice in Wonderland.


Traditionally flowers are used to commemorate major events in life. They represent renewal, celebration, remembrance and pure beauty.

The "Patterns of Life" is an imaginary landscapes seen from above. A bird’s eye view of the Earth, which embodies a pastoral peacefulness and contentment.

In today’s chaotic world I create art that is peaceful and soothing to the viewer, creating a visual oasis.


1. Describe for our readers the most compelling art piece you have made

The 18 foot tall corn plant, called King Corn that I made for the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg was significant for me because it was the first time I'd used wire inside of the coils. This marked a turning point in my art and initiated my floral collection. The scale of the piece is humbling and amusing.


2. Tell us about your best, most successful, or most fulfilling art show


I've been blessed to have many good shows. But I'd have to say one of the most fun was my retrospective at the Upper Arlington Cultural Arts Center. I had work spanning 30 years including some borrowed from private collections. It was great to see the variety and progression of my work.


3. If you could work any other artists, alive or not, who would it be and why?


I'd have to say Georgia O'Keefe. Her work has always influenced and inspired me.


4. How do you integrate art and politics or social justice issues?


I want my art to be an antidote to the stresses and pressures of life. I create art that is delightful to the eye and the soul. There's enough negativity in the world. My art is, I hope, soothing and smile evoking.


Gail’s next show: German Village at the Meeting Haus Fest Hall Gallery from Feb. 1 to March 14. The show, called Garden Wonderland, opens on Sunday Feb. 1.

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