
Biden at his desk signing something

Oval Office of the White House - Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz

The United States of America—the 50501 Movement is calling for the immediate impeachment and conviction of President Donald J Trump for the high crime of abuse of power. The 50501 movement will continue to stand up for the Constitution and for American democracy, even when our own government refuses to.

At 12:35 AM ET on March 17th, President Donald Trump made a post on Truth Social “declaring” the reversal and voiding of all pardons made by former President Joe Biden, including four members of the January 6th investigation committee. This action isn’t only an attack on the former president; it is a direct assault on the rule of law in our country and a chilling escalation of political persecution.

Trump claimed that Biden’s use of an autopen to sign the pardons invalidates them and alleged that Biden was unaware of the pardons—a legally and factually baseless accusation. The truth is simple: once a presidential pardon is issued and accepted, it cannot be revoked by the courts or Congress—least of all by a future president. “This is how authoritarianism consolidates power,” 50501 Movement spokesperson Kat Duesterhaus said. “Trump isn’t even hiding it anymore — he’s saying out loud that he will punish his political enemies and strip away their legal protections. This is dictator behavior, plain and simple.”

On behalf of the American people, 50501 is calling for the invocation of Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution: The removal of the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States on impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors, such as the abuse of power that we saw on display today. "This is not what the American people voted for,” Sarah Parker, 50501 Movement spokesperson and national partner
with the Voices of Florida, said. “Donald John Trump is a pathetic despot, an embarrassment and a traitor. He abuses the power of his office to persecute his critics instead of helping the citizens. It's not leadership, it's insecurity." The best, most viable solution is to remove the current sitting president for these attacks on our government and the constitution that binds it.

On April 5th, 2025, 50501 will be marching nationwide to protest the Trump Administration’s attempted fascist takeover of the United States. The 50501 Movement is a decentralized network of city, local and state-based hubs formed to defend our country and communities against Trump and the wealthy elites who are undermining our democracy. Since the first day of action on February 5th, thousands of city-level organizers and dozens of national volunteers have kept the momentum going. National coordinators consolidate and share vetted information to assist the hubs, relying on the platforms and people-power provided by Political Revolution, No Voice Unheard, Build and Voices of Florida. Each hub organizes their protests around the issues most pressing to their communities, but we are united by a common mission: To uphold the Constitution and end executive overreach.