words Redefine what #safetyis against red background, a big black drawing of a fist and words People's Justice Project

Tuesday, August 7, 2018, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Night Out for Safety and Liberation is an annual event which takes place on the firstTuesday of August where we redefine and re-imagine what public safety means for our communities.  Night Out for Safety and Liberation began in 2013, as an alternative to the more police-centric National Night Out, which highlights police-community partnerships as the pathway to community safety. Too often, conversations about public safety revolve around policing and punishment. But safety is about more than that—it’s about having a living wage job, healthy food, healthcare, housing, education, and more. Location: Bethel A.M.E Columbus, 2021 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43211.  Facebook Event.