Clothes with picture of young black girl on them with words Shop KylieDreamz

Kylie Dreamz, LLC is a girl’s apparel and accessory line with the purpose of empowering little girls of color who are often underrepresented. The new business is owned by seven-year-old Kylie Scroggins; a second grader in Galloway, Ohio. Kylie officially launched her business on August 17, 2019.

According to Kylie, she “Does not see a lot of brown girls on shirts in the stores.” Kylie’s mother, Kortney Ester, also shares her daughter’s frustration with the lack of representation for girls of color and suggested to Kylie that she starts her own clothing line. Mainstream clothing lines are getting better with including African-American girls, however the race is so broad and unique in shades and features, that it seems that only the more popular characteristics make the cut, which is unfair  and sends a negative message to girls who have opposite features. Kylie is doing something about that.

In addition to giving more representation to African-American girls, the brand has also  included Muslim girls in the launch. Kortney felt it was necessary because Kylie attends school with Muslim peers. Furthermore, she rarely sees Muslim girls on mainstream graphics but does see them throughout her community and assists Muslim families at work. Kortney is a case manager with Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services, serving a diverse population, including African -Americans and Muslims. 

The Kylie Dreamz, LLC brand will show girls of color that they are recognized, beautiful, and represented. The brand will strive for racial equality, uplift underrepresented girls, and hopefully inspire all young girls to chase their dreams, and feel good about themselves while doing so. 

Kylie Dreamz, LLC, based online, inspires girls to “Dream Big” through inspirational apparel and accessories. The idea came about from a casual mom-to-daughter conversation between a seven year old girl and her mom. The goal is to promote self-love from within all little girls, especially the little girls of color who are often underrepresented. To learn more about the Kylie Dreamz, LLC brand please check out their website at or their Instagram or Facebook pages.