Colorful drawing of a man in hat with a long moustache holding a book in the air in front of a bunch of construction workers

Monday, Aug 6, 6:30-8:30pm
Northside branch Columbus library, 1423 N. High St.
Columbus DSA welcomes you to our ABC's of Socialism Reading Group!

In our first session, we will discuss the following chapters:
- Wouldn’t a more democratic world just mean a bigger economic crisis?
- Are socialists pacifists? Aren’t some wars justified?

There are additional articles linked within the chapters; we may touch on those as well.

Our fourth session will be held on Monday, August 6, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the Columbus Metropolitan Library Northside Branch, in Meeting Room 2.

If you do not have a copy of the book, you can get a PDF here:

Hard copies and eBook formats are available for purchase through Verso, here: However, the chapter has some copies available, so please reach out to us if you are interested.