If you like the early rock songs of 1957-63 and the memories they spark, please join me Friday August 31 for a fun “oldies but goodies” concert. I’ll be doing hit songs made famous by the likes of Chubby Checker, Ricky Nelson, the Everly Brothers, Sam Cooke, Paul Anka, Del Shannon, Fabian, and others. A brief salute to the “bad boys” of early bluesy rock will also be featured – Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, and Chuck Berry. Beautiful doo-wop background vocals will be added by the Harmonettes (Jackie LaMuth, Renilda Marshall, and Teresa Schleifer.) And, we’ll be backed by instrumental wizards Brian Szuch on electric lead guitar, Renilda Marshall on bass, and Linda Blaine on drums. Plus, we’ll have fun with trivia questions about 1950’s songs, fads, and singers. And, as usual, we’ll have a couple surprises that will be pretty “neat,” to use the parlance of the times. We’re suggesting $10 per person donations at the door, with proceeds going to senior citizen programs of the Clintonville Resource Center. In other words, we’re doing “oldies but goodies” music to help “oldies but goodies” people. Location: basement social hall at Overbrook Presbyterian Church, 4131 N. High, Columbus 4321 (free parking in the big church lot on Croswell & on side streets). Contact for more information: billcohen@columbus.rr.com.