Monday, November 19, 2018, 6:30 – 8:00 PM. We invite Black LGBTQIA+ people from all backgrounds to join BQIC! ABOUT BQIC: Black Queer & Intersectional Columbus works toward the liberation of Black queer, trans, and intersex people from all walks of life through direct action, community organizing, education on our issues, and creating spaces to uplift our voices. DETAILS: Come out to our first new member info session to learn about BQIC's revamped mission and principles, where we're going, and how to get involved! We will also do a short interactive game where we'll get to know each other. Location: Columbus Metropolitan Library- Parsons Branch, 1113 Parsons Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43206. RSVP for FREE DINNER from Nola Way:
Monday, November 19, 2018, 7:30 PM. Youth Beat Radio on WCRS and Tuesday on WGRN. Tune in this award-winning program every Mondays at 7:30 p.m. on WCRS 102.1 and 98.3 FM and Tuesdays at 5:30 PM on WGRN 94.1 or listen online at Youth Beat Radio is sponsored by The School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University, Ohio State University Extension, and the Puffin Foundation West. Location: WCRS 102.1 and 98.3 FM and WCRS 102 on your radio dial. Program and podcasts here. For more information, contact
Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 6:00 PM. November Repro Health Happy Hour. This will benefit a coalition put together by People’s Justice Project that is working to actively #FreeBlackMamas. This coalition is working to not only liberate incarcerated mothers, but also to put safety nets and support in place for when they are reunited with their families. What is the Reproductive Health Happy Hour? It’s a networking event for sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice professionals, advocates, and allies. Come and go as you please. We look forward to seeing you there! We ask for a $5 donation at the door, feel free to donate more! Location: Eight & Sand Tavern, 76 E Innis Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43207. Facebook event.
Friday November 23, 2018, 7:30 – 9:00 PM. Songs Of Gratitude: An Alternative To The Black Friday Buying Frenzy. Bill Cohen sings a unique concert of folk and popular songs that express gratitude for all that we have: friends, family, freedom, art, music, nature, and more. Clues to the song list — John Denver, Louis Armstrong, Johnny Appleseed, Phil Ochs, The Golden Girls, Don McLean, Peter Paul and Mary, and others. $10 Suggested donation (any contribution is welcome). Proceeds will go to help my wife Randi make her annual winter trek to the Dominican Republic. That’s where she serves as a volunteer translator for the International Medical Alliance of Tennessee, a team of doctors and nurses who provide free basic medical care to impoverished Haitian workers who live and work just inside the D.R. border. Location: Maynard Ave Methodist Church, 2350 Indianola Ave, Columbus 43202. For more info, contact Bill at (614) 263-3851 or
Saturday, November 24, 2018, 8:00 AM. Columbus Community Bill of Rights Fracking Insfrastructure Tour. We will leave Weiland’s Market parking lot in Clintonville and return around 6 to 7 PM. We will travel to Belmont/Guernsey/Noble Counties to see horizontal well pads, compressor stations, injection well, and open-air containment pit. RSVP required. We will rent a van and share cost if needed. Contact Greg Pace – or cell phone (614) 565-6067.
Monday, November 26, 2018, 7:00 PM. Central Ohioans for Peace Meeting. Screening of Film – Black Indians: An American Story (60 minutes). Black Indians: An American Story” brings to light a forgotten part of Americans past – the cultural and racial fusion of Native and African Americans. Narrated by James Earl Jones, the film explores what brought the two groups together, what drove them apart and the challenges they face today. A society that wants to build the future must know its past, its real past, as it was.” But what if that past had been lost, forgotten, hidden, or denied? "Black Indians: An American Story,” explores the issue of racial identity among Native and African Americans and examines the coalescence of these two groups in American history. Discounted, and often ignored by mainstream America, these minority peoples have often shared a past. However, with their heritage ignored and their contributions denied they are all but invisible at the dawn of the new millennium. Location: Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. For information about COFP, visit our website at
Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 6:00 PM. Meaning of Marxism Study Group. Join the Columbus International Socialist Organization for a study group of "The Meaning of Marxism" by author and ISO member, Paul D'Amato. "The Meaning of Marxism" offers an engaging introduction to Marxism and revolutionary socialism with the aim of giving activists the tools to interpret and change the world around us. At each meeting, we will have summaries of each chapter and extended open discussions to dive deeper into the text and create room for debate and disagreement. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at our regular Thursday branch meetings, and a free PDF of the first edition, and a free audiobook version are also available. The group will also be meeting on December 11 and January 8. More information on Facebook.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 7: 00 PM. Worthington Interfaith Neighbors Presents: Sharing Our Stories. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania presented by Moussa Diakite. Columbus is home to about 3,000 Mauritanians, many of whom came as refugees when the nation expelled about 70,000 black African Mauritanians in the late 1980s. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is a northwest African nation. About 90% of the country’s land is within the Western Sahara. Having existed from the 3rd century BCE until the present, the history of the country is one of migration, conflicts between tribes, colonial domination, the struggle for independence and more recently, ethnic tensions and slavery. Moussa Diakite is a member of the Mauritanian community of Columbus, residing in the city’s east side. An employee of Cardinal Health, he holds an MBA from DeVry University. Moussa mentors young people regarding diversity and also regularly gives presentations about Mauritania. This program is free and open to the public. Location: Old Worthington Library, 820 High Street, Worthington.
November 29, 2018, 7:00 - 9:00 PM. Columbus DSA Business Meeting. Open to all, this meeting is to coordinate our activities, discuss chapter business, and hear committee updates. Location: Northwood High Building, Room 100, 2231 N High St Columbus, OH. For more information, contact
Friday, November 30, 2018, 12:15 – 12:45 PM. Fair Food Actions: Fair Food Fridays. Thanks to the enthusiasm, energy, and commitment Fair Food allies are bringing to the Fair Food campaign, we invite you to join us on the last Friday of each month for this regular event, adding your enthusiasm and commitment to the action. Posters, a banner, and leaflets will be provided. Fair Food allies and supporters will be leafleting in front of Wendy’s to promote the Immokalee Workers’ Wendy’s Boycott. Location: 2004 N. N High St., Columbus across from O.S.U., near Woodruff. For more information, contact Website.
Friday-Saturday, November 30-December 1, 2018, Conference: Societies Under Stress: Welfare and Penal Policies amid Rising Insecurity Organized by Sarah Brooks. Societies Under Stress: Welfare and Penal Policies amid Rising Insecurity is an interdisciplinary conference that aims at advancing collaborative research on the relationship between social welfare and penal policies across nations. It will bring together scholars from around the globe and from different disciplinary backgrounds -- mainly political science, sociology and criminology or law -- to ask: What are the causal links between crime control and social welfare policies? What are the ideological, political, social and historical foundations of these programs within and across nations? Location: 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave. Read more and register at
Monday, December 3, 2018, 7:00 PM. Steve Ellner National Speaking Tour. Venezuela under Siege: Challenges from Within and Without. President Trump, OAS head Luis Almagro and Senator Marco Rubio have raised the possibility of military intervention in Venezuela. Never in history has a democratic nation been subject to such a lengthy, aggressive, ongoing campaign of Steve Ellner has taught economic history at the Universidad de Oriente in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela since 1977. He is the author of numerous books and journal articles on Venezuelan history and politics. His most recent book is entitled The Pink Tide Experiences: Breakthroughs and Short-Coming in Twenty-First Century Latin America. He received his PhD in Latin American history at the University of New Mexico. Campaign to End U.S. and Canada Sanctions Against Venezuela. This program is sponsored by Community Organizing Center, CWA 4502, Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism, and Central Ohioans for Peace. Location: CWA Local 4502, 620 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Contact:
Monday, December 3, 2018, 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Care and Share Time Bank Orientation. Learn about Time banking and become a member. Location: First UU Church, Room 7, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.
Columbus, OH 43214. For more information, contact
Monday, December 3, 2018, 12:30 PM. Zachary Matusheski "Reassessing Ike: Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Korean War." Zachary Matusheski is the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency Post-Doctoral Historian in Residence in the Department of History at The Ohio State University. His research centers on the ways the Korean War and other Cold War era conflicts in East Asia shaped American military, political, and cultural history. His current book project examines Dwight D. Eisenhower's first term. It focuses on how the President's perceptions of East Asia shaped his foreign policy reforms.This talk will analyze the last months of the armistice negotiations and how Eisenhower's experience during this early part of his presidency shaped his defense policy. Co-sponsored by Institute for Korean Studies. Location: 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave. Read more and register at
Monday, December 3, 2018, 5:30 PM. 14th Annual Statewide Tribute to Rosa Parks. To honor this remarkable woman, the Central Ohio Transit Authority and The Ohio State University join Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, Rosa Parks Day founder, in hosting this event.
5:30 p.m. – Community Leaders Forum, Hosted by Congresswoman Joyce Beatty
7:00 p.m. – “Conversations” – A Panel Discussion. Footsteps: We All Have A Role To Play
By joining our theater audience for the panel discussion, you will hear engaging dialogue on how the legacy of Rosa Parks has impacted and continues to shape our country. The panel features Hasan Jeffries, Associate Professor of History at The Ohio State University; Ginette Rhodes, President – NAACP College Chapter, The Ohio State University; and Andrea Davis Pinkney, New York Times bestselling and award-winning author. The discussion will be moderated by Jerry Revish, WBNS-10 TV News Anchor, and begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. We hope you are able to join us for the Community Leaders Forum and Panel Discussion, but don’t come alone, feel free to bring a friend! Location: the Fawcett Event Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, 43210. Please RSVP no later than Friday, Nov. 23, by calling (614) 308-4403 or emailing us at
Tuesday, December 4, 2018, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. PUCO AEP Renewable Energy Proposal Public Hearing. The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) has scheduled a public hearing on AEP's proposal for 900mw of renewable energy in Ohio, including 400mw of solar in Appalachian Ohio. It's critical we pack the house and PUCO hears from Ohioans like you who want more clean energy and the jobs that come with it here in the Buckeye State! If approved, AEP will move forward with developing 900mw of solar and wind energy in Ohio for use by its Ohio customers! This will lower energy bills. create clean energy jobs and help to make Ohio a leader in clean energy, while providing reliable energy that doesn't pollute our air and water. Ohioans overwhelmingly support a transition to clean energy. Now it's imperative that these supporters show up on December 4th and make their voices heard! Please attend this important hearing and speak up in support of Ohio's clean energy future! If you have questions, contact Becca Pollard: More information on Facebook.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018, 7:00 – 8:30 PM. Jewish Voice for Peace Central Ohio Meeting. JVP members are inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, equality, human rights, respect for international law, and a U.S. foreign policy based on these ideals. All are welcome. Location: Columbus Public Library, Main Library, Auditorium, 96 S. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215. Parking available in the library garage. For more information please contact, More information on Facebook.
Thursday, December 6, 2018, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. Speak Peace With Compassionate Communication
Compassionate Communication Center Of Ohio (CCCO). What is Compassionate Communication? Come find out! This Meetup group gathers on the1st Thursday of the month. Join us for this FREE and engaging personal practice of Compassionate-Nonviolent Communication (NVC), the Language of the Heart, led by Compassionate Communication facilitators. Open to both beginners and experienced practitioners. NVC was developed by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D., an American Psychologist, and is based on Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.'s principles of nonviolence -our natural state of compassion. More information HERE. Location: 2350 Indianola Ave, Columbus 43202. Located in the in the upper level of the Maynard Ave United Methodist Church, on the corner of Indianola and Maynard Ave.
Saturday, December 8, 2018, 6:30 – 11:00 PM. Free Press Second Saturday Salon. Come to network and socialize with progressive friends with refreshments, music and an update on medical marijuana, CBD, and more! Free, no RSVP required. Location: 1021 E. Broad St., Columbus. Parking in side driveway, front or rear parking lot. For more information, contact 614-253-2571,,
Sunday, December 9, 2018, 4:30 - 7:00 PM. 3rd Annual Interfaith Prayer Gathering and Potluck (Interfaith Association of Central Ohio). Loving our Neighbors: Addressing Poverty with Our Heads, Hearts, & Hands. In collaboration with Habitat for Humanity. Bring covered dish to share - with ingredients listed on index card. Location: St. Philip Episcopal Church, 166 Woodland Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43203-2771. (Ample parking available in parking lot behind church). Kindly RSVP by December 7 to Additional faith or peace based organizational cosponsors are invited. Suggested donation is $50. To cosponsor, please contact Dr. Tarunjit Singh Butalia of IACO at
Sunday, December 9, 2018, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Care and Share Time Bank Community Potluck and program. Bring something tasty to share with others and, if you wish, bring a card with the ingredients so all our varied diet preferences can be accommodated. If it is a special dish you believe will be particularly well received bring a copy of the recipe. We are developing a CSTB "Cookbook" and are always pleased to add new dishes to the selection! Bring your own reusable plates if you can, to reduce the washup necessary after the event. We try to avoid single-use materials, wherever possible! If you have something you no longer want that others may appreciate, bring it to the "sharing table". We only request that, if it doesn't find a new home, please take it home with you. (We don't have a used product dispensing system!) You can look forward to a fun and informative program. Location: First UU Church, Fellowship Hall, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd., Columbus, OH 43214. For more information, contact Michael Greenman or Alice Faryna
Monday, December 10, 2018, 7:00 PM. Central Ohioans for Peace Meeting. Speakers: Jim Leonard and Dan and Barbara Lehman – Reflections from a CPT Delegation to Palestine/Israel. This summer Jim Leonard and Dan and Barbara Lehman participated in a Christian Peacemaker Teams delegation to Palestine/Israel. Come listen as they share about the experience of being there and witnessing the impact of oppression and the resulting conflict. Location: Columbusnonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Avenue, Columbus 43223. Facebook.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018, 6:00 PM. Franklin County Green Party, open business meeting, 7:00 PM General Meeting. Join the Franklin County Greens - we meet on the second Tuesday of each month. Location: Northwood Building, 2231 N. High St., Room 100. Parking available behind the building in “R” spaces. For more information, contact: or
Thursday, December 13, 2018, 7:00 – 9:00 PM. DSA Monthly Activist Meeting. Join us to learn about how you can get involved with our ongoing activist activities. Parking is located in the back of the building in the spots marked "R" or on-street parking is available. Meeting is held in room 100. For more information,
Thursday December 13, 6:00 - 8:30 PM. Faith in Public Life Ohio Celebration. Join us on December 13th as we celebrate the work of Faith in Public Life Ohio in fighting for justice this past year. Tickets are $15 each, or $20 for two. Heavy hors d'oevures will be served. Location: McGowan Loft, 520 South High Street, Columbus, OH 43215. Purchase Tickets Here.
Saturday, December 15, 2018, Noon – 2:00 PM. Move to Amend Central Ohio Meeting. The monthly meeting of the local affiliate of the national Move to Amend organization that is calling for a U.S. Constitutional amendment to reverse several U.S. Supreme Court decisions during the past century and thereby to firmly establish that corporations are not people and that money is not free speech. Find out what can be done locally to restore democracy! Bring a brown bag lunch. Location: First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer, Columbus. For more information, please contact Website:
Thursday, February 21, 2019, 1:00 PM. Legislative Day. Promoting our Proposal to legislators to introduce and pass on a fair transparent parole process. Location: Ohio Statehouse, Columbus. Facebook.
January 12, 2019, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Democracy School. Bring your own brown bag lunch, snacks & coffee will be provided, cost $30. Event bright link coming soon at Location: Northwood-High Building, room 100, 2231 N. High St, Columbus 43201.
Do You Have a Health Insurance Horror Story to Share? Proponent hearings for SPAN Ohio’s, Ohio Health Security Act, HB No. 440 and SB No. 91 have been scheduled for December 5 and we need stories. Please include your name and addresses on your story. You do not need to testify in person, but you can also submit written testimony to the committee chair. Please send your story to Debbie
Pax Christi USA Webinar Online: Economic & Interracial Justice. Dr. Vicki Lott, member of the Pax Christi Anti-Racism Team and the National Council, leads a webinar on "Economic & Interracial Justice." Dr. Lott discusses the intersection of economic and racial justice by looking at how the United States became wealthy as a direct result of racism. Furthermore, she illustrates how the U.S. has continued this racist legacy through policy and deep denial and then delves into the hope the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching offers to overcome the deep division and hatred that racism has created. See the webinar replay at
This week on the Voices for Human Needs Blog:
Generation Indigenous November 16. November is Native American Heritage Month, and on Friday, the Center for American Youth at the Aspen Institute released a report that examined youth issues from a number of perspectives – health care, education, suicide, criminal justice reform and environmental concerns. READ MORE »
Expected in 2019: Five more Medicaid expansion states. More could follow. November 13. More than 800,000 residents in five states could soon be covered by Medicaid expansion, due in part to last week’s election results and in part to decisions that were made prior to the elections. And more could follow. READ MORE »
A guide for helping homeless persons November 12. It occurred to me recently –as a result of being in housing limbo — that a guide on how to voluntarily assist homeless persons would be beneficial to both the giver and receiver of assistance. Here are a few pointers. READ MORE »
Kathy Kelly on Yemen: Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Nonviolence appeared Wednesday morning on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! program, recording an extra interview segment, on Yemen, which was not included in the broadcast but is available online. This video segment is watchable at
WGRN 94.1 THE GREEN RENAISSANCE - TUNE IN COMMUNITY RADIO NEW! 2018 Program Schedule Grid Awesome programming! Pre-Set NOW! Democracy Now!, Thom Hartmann, EcoShock, Radio Curious, Health & Fitness, Food, Cooking, Arts, Folkn' Around, Music Africana, Bluegrass, Soul, SEA Change, Local Self Reliance, Green Power & Wellness, Conversation Earth,Dharma Punx!
From ACLU Ohio: President Trump wants to limit your right to protest near the White House and the National Mall. Will you contact Senator Portman and urge him to intervene? Our First Amendment rights depend on it. Next week, Senator Portman and the rest of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources have the responsibility to vet Raymond David Vela before confirming him as the next Director of the National Park Service. Take Action – ask Senator Portman if he values Americans' right to peacefully demonstrate. If he does, he will press Mr. Vela on his willingness to dismiss President Trump's restrictive protest proposals before confirming him to this position. If Mr. Vela doesn’t explicitly promise to withdraw these extreme plans, he must not be confirmed. Period. The heart of the matter is clear: the Trump Administration might not like having protesters in DC, but the First Amendment guarantees their right to be there. Throughout American history the National Mall has proven to be a powerful setting for iconic free speech movements. We cannot allow the president to suppress dissent because he doesn’t like the message. Contact Senator Portman – make him hear you.
From the Coalition on Human Needs: Immigrant families shouldn’t have to choose between food, health care, and housing aid or lawful permanent status. Oppose the Trump Administration’s harmful proposed public charge rule! Comment soon – help us get to 100,000 comments by December 10th. The Trump Administration’s change to the public charge rule would create a pay-to-play immigration system that would force immigrant families to choose between getting the social services they need or becoming lawful permanent residents, locking immigrant families into poverty as a result. The Coalition on Human Needs has teamed up with the Protecting Immigrant Families campaign to stand up against this change. We need your help to fight back! By commenting, either as an individual or on behalf of a group or as a professional, you help fight back against these harmful changes. Judges use these comments to determine whether these changes to the public charge rule are in line with the intent of the original law. And the administration is required by law to review every unique comment. Here’s how to comment as an individual, click here to download a Word document with our brief sample comment. The Word document should save to the downloads folder of your web browser - go there and open it. From there, you can personalize your comment based on the guide, and you’ll also find other sample text in the comment box – that’s important because DHS won’t count verbatim copies as separate comments (rule of thumb: make one-third of your comment unique to you). In addition to your own words, try mixing some text from each version. Once you are finished, simply copy and paste your comment into the box along with your name and email. Fact Sheet on Public Charge and Poverty: Click here. You can use our fact sheet to inform your comments and share with your networks.
No Ohio Anti Protest Bill: Since November 2016 unprecedented numbers of protests have taken place in our country. People have lifted their voices, demanding to be heard. Our elected officials should be engaging with their constituents and listening to the concerns these protesters are bringing to them. Our elected officials are responsible for representing the will of the community. The First Amendment guarantees the right of the people to assemble, the right to speak freely, and the right to petition the government. Instead, Senator Hoagland has proposed the criminalization of peaceful protests that might threaten the profits of privately-owned companies. Senate Bill 250 seeks to impose fines up to $10,000 and 9 months to 3 years in prison for being on a fracking site, utility infrastructure, homeland security site etc. even when no harm is done to the property. These same penalties would apply to anyone flying a drone over these facilities. This bill specifically protects private oil and gas companies who come to Ohio, drill through our shale, tear up our land for pipelines, pour toxins into our air and water, then take their oil and gas out of Ohio, and possibly sold to foreign markets to be sold elsewhere. Senate Bill 250 is an unconstitutional suppression of our right to protest. Ohioans care about our watersheds, our forests, the air that we breath and the soil in which we grow our food. We have every right to protest when private, out of state, and foreign owned companies threaten these natural resources of air, soil, and water on which we depend. Senate Bill 250 does not represent the health and interests of Ohioans. This bill should never become law. Sign this petition here.
From: Fair Districts = Fair Elections:
1) Support Easier Voter Registration. House Bill 14, “Ease Voter Registration,” introduced by State Representative Kathleen Clyde, seeks to make it easier for Ohioans to register to vote and easily update their registration. Easier registration will mean more eligible Ohioans are able to vote. It’s an obvious and easy win for a stronger democracy. HB14 was introduced on February 8, 2017 and has not yet received a single hearing. The bill is currently assigned to the House Government and Accountability Oversight Committee. Here’s how we can help push the bill forward: Call the committee chair, Rep. Louis W. Blessing III, and demand "hearings and a vote" on the bill. Reach him by phone at (614) 466-9091, by fax at (614) 719-3583. You can also send an email. Go to the committee chair's office in person and ask for hearings. Post on social media about the need to pass the bill. Tweet at the press so they will write about our push to pass the bill. Write a letter to the editor in support of HB14.
2) A Bad Ideas on the Horizon: MAKING IT HARDER TO PASS A CITIZENS INITIATIVE. Legislative leaders have discussed raising the threshold necessary to successfully get citizens’ initiatives onto the ballot, making it easier for our elected officials to ignore the concerns of the citizens. This legislation may be added as an amendment to another bill. We are keeping an eye out and will update you as soon as we have more information. Here’s how we can help stop any potential bill in its tracks: Contact the President of the Ohio Senate, Larry Obhof to share your views on why raising the requirements is a bad idea. Phone: (614) 466-7505. Fax: 614-466-7662. Email: You can also contact house chair Ryan Smith: Phone (614) 466-1366, Fax (614) 719-6987, Email. Go to Senator Obhof’s office in person and share your views. Post on social media. Include members of the press in your posts and tweets. Write a letter to the editor.
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