Senior Crawl is this thing where graduating Ohio State students all wear white shirts, and walk from the various bars while signing each other’s shirts.
I didn’t graduate college so it’s usually this thing where you analyze the idea of signatures. As a graffiti writer, the idea of writing your name seems relevant. But because booze is involved, writing on a drunk college girl’s shirt seems problematic.
While I will quickly respond I-O if someone yells O-H…I wasn’t a senior graduating from Ohio State.
Interacting with normal people used to be a sort of exoticism for me.
Awhile ago, a white sorority girl was crying out of empathy for some things she had heard had occurred to me. The fact a white sorority girl even knew I existed….
The weirdest thing about this conversation. I told a white sorority girl she had been the first white sorority girl I’ve interacted with to my knowledge.
Many Black women leaders are from sororities so interacting with Black sorority members isn’t all the unusual. Black Sorority Life exists in my interactions because of Hip Hop as well as female leadership.
I’ve never had a circumstance where a white sorority girl knew who I was, and wanted tell me she cared about me.
After explaining this was really new…..The white sorority girl told me she was half-middle eastern. We talked briefly regarding her family’s history.
Should’ve I used the phrase “seemingly white?”
I contemplated if she would find this rude while writing this.
In the least, this women didn’t ride a skateboard, play in bands, organize events for the Black community. She did have exceptional social skills which led to the “I’m a product of a sorority” conversation.
I don’t know if you have ever had a crying sorority women genuinely expressing empathy for you but this was different for someone who was reared in subcultures.
The craziest thing about supporting human rights, needing freedom of the press while treating everyone with kindness, is that I’ve found a plentitude of normal people regardless of political affiliation extol a basic humanity.
As much as we are lamenting 2016-2020, there are a mass of people who don’t like cruelty.
This was amongst a perspective adjusting period where I honestly felt like someone was trying to show me humanity, if you subtract music biases.
This would be deadly for a music critic who doesn’t read Jon Caramanica, and like mainstream Hip Hop.
Instead, it became: I’m vegan and places sell veggie burgers.
I’m a human who deserves basic respect.
She was wearing some stylish clothing so writing on her shirt didn’t cross my mind.
We weren’t at senior crawl, and I don’t believe a sobbing female equals: please tag boobs and buttocks. It seems disingenuous or worse to attend Senior Crawl to write on drunk girls shirts.
This year, because I began the Bus Stile Adventures, I decided I would attend Senior Crawl with a purpose of watching people have fun after COVID.
These seniors spent the last two years in virtual classes, and didn’t fully occupy the Ohio State campus until this semester. People were drinking outside from a patio listening to mainstream rappers everyone likes.
Beer and liquor were normally priced. People were having fun.
It’s weird because some people know who I am, and are polite to me.
I didn’t write one anyone’s shirt.
I thought to myself….These humans survived extraordinary times, and now are graduating.
I hope these people understand:
- Inflation isn’t because you cared that George Floyd was killed.
- Inflation didn’t happen because of the freedom of the press.
- If you think all humans deserve fair treatment regardless of gender, race or sexual preferences, then keep that understanding of situations as you navigate your life.
- Our country experienced COVID which shut everything down.
- I doubt legislation was passed this year which our current leadership caused inflation.
- Regardless of who you vote for, fuck, marry, love or make money with….
- Don’t lose sight of the fact that someone doesn't have to embrace fascism to secure a living for their future.
- You are the result of Hip Hop culture breaking down barriers where you don’t even care anymore to hate minorities, women, and gay people.
- Opposing the murder of black people didn’t drive prices up.
- A plague left doors open for various business results.
I walked home thinking: Senior Crawl: Friends drank together, and weren’t irritated a vegan was watching NHL while drinking a beer. People weren’t angry that I don’t believe banning the woman’s right to choose an abortion will decrease inflation.
Senior Crawlers were excited they finished school, and could walk around.