Yellow and Black flyer with details about the event

Thursday, October 4, 5-7pm, OSU Oval [near the Thompson statue]

The International Socialist Organization [ISO], in collaboration with other activist groups, will be hosting a protest and speakout to oppose sexism and the recent Kavanaugh nomination.

During the past several weeks, Dr. Christine Blase Ford has bravely spoken out against her sexual assault by right-wing nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. Disturbingly, the Republicans have vilified Ford and have continued to support Kavanaugh. This represents the intense sexism and rape culture promoted every day by the establishment.

We are in a political moment of intense attacks on reproductive and abortion rights. These are rights that our lives depend on and must be collectively fought for! At the same time, the growing #METOO movement is building solidarity among survivors who are demanding an end to sexual violence and rape culture. With the unfolding #Kavanaugh nomination, we must unite on campus and declare that we #BelieveFORD and all victims!

We invite you to rally and to speak out in support of Dr. Ford and all survivors of sexual assault. With ongoing attacks on abortion rights and the epidemic of sexual assault on campus, including at OSU, we need to stand together against all forms of sexism.

Gather with others this Thursday [October 4] at 5pm in front of the Thompson statue on the OSU Oval and speak out. You are invited to speak as an individual or as representative of a group or an organization. Let the OSU campus and administration see that we are not backing down and that we will defend our safety and rights.

Co-sponsors of this event include:

• #Fight4Her

• Ohio Green Party

• Ohio Student Association (OSA)

• Black Queer & Intersectional Columbus (BQIC)

• Young Democratic Socialists of America OSU (YDSA)