Today, members of a newly formed citizens coalition entitled A.R.T. (Advocates for Responsible Taxation) announced its opposition to the proposed 7% ticket tax in the city of Columbus. The A.R.T. membership consists of a diverse group of area residents who are united to prevent an unneeded and unwarranted massive new tax that threatens the middle class while shining the light on this special interest driven new tax.
Attend the public meeting to oppose the ticket tax tonight:
Wednesday, August 22, 5:30-7:30pm
Vanderelli Room, 218 McDowell St. (Franklinton)
“Our coalition is extremely concerned about the massive Columbus ticket tax that has been kept quiet, negotiated behind closed doors and now on its way to being fast tracked for passage at City Hall,” said Michael Gonidakis, spokesman for A.R.T. “The Ticket tax threatens families abilities to attend ticketed events in the City to include COSI, Church plays, children’s theater, movies, festivals and sporting events. It is clear that the purpose of this new tax is to provide millions of dollars per year to help Nationwide Arena – an Arena that the voters said no to at the ballot box multiple times over the years,” said Gonidakis.
The City of Columbus already has one of the highest hotel “bed taxes” in the Midwest with a good portion of those taxes going directly to support the arts. Raising ticket prices and forcing families to pay more is not the answer and the cost to the Columbus community would be far too great. The regressive nature of the ticket tax is disproportionately placed on the back of those families with less wealth and income who simple wont be able to enjoy an affordable family night out.
If the Columbus special interests, their lobbyists and City Council enact this new tax, A.R.T. and its growing coalition is prepared to launch a citizen’s ballot initiative to provide the residents of Columbus the opportunity to vote on the 7% Columbus ticket tax.
CONTACT: Michael Gonidakis
PHONE: 614-565-5522