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Greetings Fair Food Allies — Please join us in taking a few minutes to join in this key nationwide action for the farmworkers this Thanksgiving week by writing, calling or emailing Kroger. 

Fast actions: Email Kroger.  Click-to-email using this link or write an email to with the suggested title: “It’s time for Kroger to join the Fair Food Program” and include your message for the body of the email. You may copy/paste our suggested script below and personalize it as you see fit. 

Call Kroger.   Click-to-call using this link or dial 1-800-576-4377. To speak with a service representative, press 8 then 3 after listening to the menu options. Once they are on the line, follow our script below or speak from the heart to let them know that it’s time for Kroger to join the Fair Food Program.  

Script:  As a customer at Kroger, I am deeply troubled by your corporation’s refusal to join the Fair Food Program, especially in light of publicized findings of modern-day slavery in Kroger’s supply chain. In this case, workers were trapped in dilapidated housing surrounded by barbed wire, forced into a deep pit of illegal debt, and threatened with physical harm to themselves or their families if they attempted to leave.

Kroger sold watermelons that these workers were forced to pick in its stores to unsuspecting consumers like me.  Fortunately, there is a proven solution to forced labor in agriculture that Kroger has refused to join for ten years — the Fair Food Program. Under this program, the market strength of large buyers of produce helps enforce workers’ human rights and safety, protecting them against abuses such as sexual violence, wage theft, dangerous working conditions, and retaliation for speaking up for their rights. Kroger currently lags behind its competitors like Ahold, Trader Joe’s, and Whole Foods who have all joined the Fair Food Program.  

Clearly, there is a human rights crisis happening in Kroger’s supply chain. Now is the time for Kroger to take responsibility for the farmworkers who make your profits possible and protect their basic rights by joining the Fair Food Program.  Thank you for your consideration. I sincerely hope Kroger will do the right thing.