Bernie Sanders brought  100,000 supporters together on Wed evening via video conference to 3500 events.   Events large and small were held around the country at house parties and larger venues.


Locally, the largest event was held at the Ohio Democratic Headquarters on Fulton Street.  The largest room held at least 100 supporters, but more supporters were in adjacent rooms.  There were several house parties in the area as well.  Signs, stickers, t-shirts and other material was available.


After brief introductions, Bernie gave a short presentation detailing his policy positions.  Unlike the other major Democratic contender, Mr. Sanders believes strongly that the US must tackle climate change.  He has opposed Kestone XL pipeline consistently for years, and is strongly in favor of supporting renewable energy.  


Also unlike the other major candidate, Sanders vehemently opposes the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). TPP is a trade agreement worse that NAFTA that will destroy what is left of the middle class, and will be a disaster for the environment.   He believes the too-big-to-fail banks should be broken up, and that Glass Steagall should be reinstated.  Bernie's message on the inequality of wealth distribution echos Occupy Wall Street.  He is clear that he is willing to tax millionaires and corporations and reduce subsidies for big oil.


After his brief presentation, attendees broke up into groups by neighborhood, in order to network with others in their neighborhoods.  Attendees were asked to sign up to volunteer by texting 82623 with the word "work" in order to sign up to help. The Democratic Party has been moving to the center, a position firmly occupied by an alternative candidate, but for true liberals, progressive and Democratic Socialists, Bernie Sanders represents a necessary alternative to the failed policies of the past.