Sunday, March 20, 2022, 5:30 PM. Sunday, March 20, 2022, 5:30 PM. Evening Event.
Location: jacob’s porch, 45 E. 13th Ave., Columbus. More information on the Facebook Event Page.
Join in-person or live stream.
We believe that as people of faith and Americans who care about the Common Good, immigration and our country's border practices are humanitarian issues that we must act on. Now.
In the Fall of 2021, we rode bicycles along the entire 3,200-mile U.S./Mexico border and the U.S. coastline. We spent 66 days listening to and learning from people who live on and serve one another on the border. They know first-hand the best way forward for our Immigration and Border Practices. And we are thrilled to share their stories. We met our neighbors suffering under arcane and unjust laws, and many more of our fellow humans are dying each and every day as they attempt to cross the border.
Can you imagine having an opportunity to better your children's lives and having to face death to do it? That's what thousands are facing right now. We believe that the Bible is serious when it says to love your neighbor as yourself, and that command comes without stipulations. No "love your American neighbor" or "love your documented neighbor," simply love your neighbor.