Round black circle with black fist rising as if its a tree from the ground with Columbus skyline in the background

Saturday, June 2, 10pm-2am, The Summit, 2210 Summit St.

It’s summertime, we chillin’ in the sun (finally), and Community Pride is about to JUMP OFF with four QTIPOC DJs from Columbus and Cleveland: Adab, Fana, A.S.L. Princess, and Noided.

Bring your best LOOKS and get it JUMPIN’ to club, techno, disco beats, and more. Instead of buying into sponsored parties or crowded, expensive bars, let’s start Pride right: alongside our own community!

Unfortunately, you must be 18 or older to attend this event. Check our calendar at the end of the description for all-ages events!

Visual ASL Interpreters will be provided for all Community Pride events. Please contact the interpreter coordinators at to request close vision or tactile interpreters for all Community Pride events.

This event is part of a series of celebrations called Columbus Community Pride. Stonewall Columbus’ Pride isn’t safe for LGBTQIA+ people of color so we created Columbus Community Pride to bring Pride back to its radical roots and to support all people. Learn more at and follow each event on our Google calendar at and the full “Columbus Community Pride 2018: Back to Our Roots” Facebook event.