

Who: Columbus Stand Up!, healthcare professionals, and members of the Central Ohio community

What: A facilitated conversation about COVID 19

Where: Mobilize Event here.

When: Tuesday, March 2nd, 7 PM

Columbus Stand UP! is hosting a community conversation around COVID 19 and its impacts on Central Ohioans. This will be a space where residents can ask healthcare professionals any questions they may have about the vaccine. In addition to hosting the forum, CSU has been working to ensure those who are currently eligible for the vaccine can easily get to their appointments through its rideshare program, which was first launched last year and drove hundreds of voters to the polls during the 2020 elections.

Columbus Stand Up! is a non-profit dedicated to mobilizing people in Central Ohio to serve the community, engage in the political process, hold elected officials accountable, and advocate for policies that will ensure everyone in our community can lead a stable life.