Scary owl holding a rainbow flag

Sunday, October 25, 4-7pm
400 West Rich

Join Community Pride on Sunday, October 25th for a masked and socially-distanced afternoon of trunk-or-treat fun from 4-7PM! We'll be playing music in the 400 W Rich parking lot. It's a great opportunity to wear your Halloween costume and show it off outside of a Zoom call! We're not just handing out candy either - Community Pride will be joined by trunks and tables of all sorts of goodies from several of your local favorites:
- Black Queer Intersectional Collective
- Women Have Options
- Equitas Health
- Black, Out, & Proud
- Planned Parenthood
- NARAL Ohio
- Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC)
+ FREE food provided by Columbus Food Not Bombs
& much more! All are welcome to this FREE event! This includes families and allies. Thanks to Wild Goose Creative for hosting us.