
Round circle with little tabs all around in orange the words Cooperation Jackson inside

Wednesday, July 31, 6:30-8:30pm
Sporeprint Infoshop, 979 E. Fifth Ave.
Join us to discuss Chapter 1 of Jackson Rising, a 2017 book about "the struggle for economic democracy and black self-determination in Jackson, Mississippi." Chapter 1 is available as a free pdf here:

On Thursday, May 1st 2014, Cooperation Jackson was launched to develop a strong, autonomously oriented social and solidarity economy in Jackson, Mississippi. Cooperation Jackson emerged from the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and the New Afrikan People's Organization, groups which - among other achievements - have helped to elect two genuinely radical mayors in the heart of the South. Jackson's current mayor, Chokwe Antar Lumumba, has a stated desire to make Jackson "the most radical city on the planet."

But (1) no mayor, and no party, can do that on their own, and (2) "politics without economics is symbol without substance," so Cooperation Jackson set out - in a serious, systematic way - to build the cooperative institutions and practices required for a feminist, antiracist ecosocialism to flourish in the capitol of Mississippi.

And they've actually made serious progress! Jackson Rising is a book about where the movement stood as of 2017. Chapter 1 is a helpful overview of their project. And we couldn't be more excited to discuss it with you! Anyone who is involved in e.g. mutual aid work, or who works in or with any co-operative businesses or housing or community gardens/farms, or who seriously wants to make Columbus an ecologically sustainable city, should come to this event!

Anybody and everybody is welcome! But we do ask that you read Chapter 1 before showing up, so we can get this important conversation moving!