
Will Anduril’s “autonomous weapon systems” also be secretly flying over Central Ohio?
Robot, drone, Jon Husted

Far west of Columbus past 270, there are homeowners who see drones. In the skies above the prairie, between two massive metro parks, near the Big Darby River, and close to a very guarded scientific research complex that is connected to the Roswell UFO crash. Nearly every night they can be seen. And, in some instances, these drones look to be the size of a small house, they claim.

Not wanting to be identified, these homeowners live in what some describe as “country mansions.” Successful and trustworthy, one of these homeowners is a former Ohio State varsity athlete.

This individual leaves before dawn to workout at a nearby gym. He sent the Free Press the above picture top left. Albeit an obscure image, it was taken in 2023 – and whatever that is – it swooped in over his car while he was driving to his gym. Just last week near the same area he took a video of two drones flying together. Another of his videos shows a drone descending out of the night sky at an alarming speed.

“I keep seeing the same one,” he said. “Perhaps your city lights are too bright to see it.”

A couple miles from his home is the 1,200-acre West Jefferson Battelle Memorial Institute research complex surrounded by a high fence, and he believes this is where the drones are coming from.

Battelle of course is “the largest, private, non-profit research and development organization in the world” which opened in 1929. A major US defense contractor as well, its main office is still located across the street from the OSU campus on King Avenue. Battelle’s West Jefferson complex – which has the largest indoor blast chamber in the US – opened in the early 1950s.

Battelle takes great pride in its history of working on the Manhattan Project, which propelled them into becoming a leader in nuclear research and building nuclear weapons. Being a “private nonprofit” means you can keep your government research a secret, and Battelle and the US Air Force have allegedly been keeping one doozy of a secret since the late 1940s.

Battelle, as the legend goes, was contracted by Wright-Patterson Air Force to research debris from the UFO Roswell crash of 1947, specifically what’s described as a “memory metal.” After many a FOIA request, it was revealed in 2009 that Wright-Patt had indeed contracted Battelle to research “shape-memory alloys.” Corroborating this revelation was how a Battelle scientist, a co-author on their “memory metal” research, went public in 1960 that he had analyzed debris from a crashed UFO.

What should come as no surprise is how Battelle ignored any Free Press email or phone call to answer questions about UFOs flying over our far west prairie land.

Whether these are Battelle’s will remain a mystery, and continue to fuel alarm and bewilderment, just like what’s happening over the East Coast. “We have now seen new drone sightings. We’re going to have to look into it,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) just this past Sunday. And local sightings are not just for a few who live in country mansions – a video of lights dancing and darting over Dublin was taken in December (still picture from video lower left).

Now comes the worst of drone nightmares to Central Ohio, the defense contractor Anduril, a name weirdly and juvenilely influenced by JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. Anduril, out near Rickenbacker International Airfield south of Columbus, is set to manufacture thousands upon thousands of “autonomous weapon system” drones. Meaning they can be programmed to think on their own and kill before you know what hit you. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of warfare and any police state.

It gets worse for peace-loving hippies and anyone afraid of killer robots. Anduril’s five-million-square foot death-from-above factory south of Columbus will cost $1.5 billion to build, and a major Anduril investor is Peter Thiel who hired JD Vance to work at his Mithril Capital (another weird Tolkien reference) in 2015. Thiel also bankrolled Vance’s 2022 Senate run, and Vance is also heavily invested in Anduril.  

Like most egomaniac nerd tech boys, such as Thiel, Musk, and Zuckerberg, Anduril’s founder, 32-year-old Palmer Luckey (pictured lower right with Jon Husted), makes far too many normal everyday people way too uncomfortable. During the 2016 presidential race he admitted to spending $10,000 supporting a pro-Trump group dedicated to spreading viral content disparaging Hillary Clinton. 

Luckey also likes to give his killer drones cool hipster-ish names such as the “Ghost” or “Iris” or “Roadrunner” (pictured above top right). Drones and AI are becoming more and more closely connected, and Luckey, like other tech boys, is enamored with AI.

In December, Anduril announced it is partnering with one of the largest AI companies in the world, OpenAI, to develop a new miliary artificial intelligence. In June of last year, a group of OpenAI employees went public with concerns the company was moving too fast and its systems could become “dangerous.” Some former OpenAI employees believe out-of-control AI could “wipe out humanity.”

Is it plausible there’s a dystopian future where an Anduril autonomous drone loses its love for humanity while flying over Columbus?

“As drones and autonomous weaponry evolve, they amplify the risks to human life, operating with unprecedented speed, range, and precision, often without direct human oversight. This detachment not only makes civilian casualties more likely but also complicates accountability, when decisions are made at such a distance, or even autonomously,” stated the Berkley Political Review in November.