Earth Strike is a grass-roots environmental activist movement which aims to pressure governments and corporations around the world to take immediate action to avoid irreversible climate change before it is too late.
Read our full Mission Statement here.
Climate changeThe world-wide climatological community has shown beyond any reasonable doubt that the planet’s climate is changing, and human industry is a strong driver of that change. These trends are clearly visible in several global metrics of the climate. Numerous studies and analyses have been published by prestigious scientific organizations which show, without a doubt, that if we do not take action now we will not only commit to those effects we see in our climate today, but we commit ourselves – every human and animal on the planet – to perpetually worsening climate catastrophe.
Our planThe Earth Strike movement has formed a plan of action spanning 2019 with four primary international events. Local organizers are encouraged to take any opportunities their groups have to get protesters on the streets or at local events to gain more attention for the movement.
- January 15, 2019 – Earth Strike Kickoff Protest, the first world-wide event will allow all our national and local organizers to engage their communities and begin the process of organizing groups of people on the ground to see the movement through to the strike.
- April 27, 2019 – Halfway Earth Day Protest, which will be held in the weekend after Earth Day, to symbolize the halfway mark to the Earth Strike. Organizers and protesters will use the build-up to May Day to form closer ties with local unions who will be integral to gathering yet more widespread support for the strike.
- August 1, 2019 – Final Pre-Strike Protest, held on the Earth Overshoot Day of 2018. A final protest just before the strike, to serve as a final wake-up call for those that have not yet joined in.
- September 27, 2019 – Earth Strike! On the 57th anniversary of Silent Spring, the book that kick-started the environmentalist movement, we will hold the General Strike to Save the Planet, or the Silent Spring Strike!
To contact us, send an email to If you want to help out, see the Get involved! page.