[BREAKING NEWS UPDATE 1.4.2020: A UK court ruled today Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange is not psychologically fit to face extradition to the United States, as he is a suicide risk, but endorsed the US prosecutor's legal theory that effectively criminalizes journalistic activity anywhere in the world. The US intends to appeal the ruling, and the UK is keeping Assange detained until the outcome of the appeal. Amnesty International put out the statement: "We welcome the fact that Julian Assange will not be sent to the USA, but this does not absolve the UK from having engaged in this politically-motivated process at the behest of the USA and putting media freedom and freedom of expression on trial."]
Former Wikileaks Editor and co-founder Julian Assange faces a UK court ruling Monday January 4th on his extradition to the US for journalistic work published overseas.
Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, said at first he didn’t believe Assange deserved support, but “In the end it finally dawned on me that I had been blinded by propaganda, and that Assange had been systematically slandered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed.”
The extradition case is widely viewed as a global landmark event that threatens press freedom, purportedly enshrined in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, since the precedent would expand the scope of the Espionage Act to silence dissent anywhere in the world.
Assange faces 175 years in prison if convicted in a quasi judicial Espionage Court in Alexandria, Virginia.
The extradition result will impact our so-called information-based economy and shape the power balance between the world's rich and poor for generations to come, broadly impacting tomorrow’s global workforce.
Wikileaks, a global repository of leaked documents exposing war crimes, cults, and corrupt politicians, was designed by Assange with computer security in mind to keep the site online, free to the global public, even when powerful people want to take it down.
Wikileaks' sophisticated security has preserved leaks, and triggered citizen rebellions that toppled corrupt US backed governmentsmaking Wikileaks, and Assange, an enemy of the rich, powerful, and corrupt.
The database has the potential to transform western neo-colonial thought as journalists, university departments, and the public examine the leaks' primary source material and expose the gears of the war economy, offering a rare account of what the US military does with nearly half of every US tax dollar.
Collateral Murder Leak
Collateral Murder, a video showing multiple war crimes from a US Helicopter in Iraq, hit global audiences on April 5th, 2010, showing the murder of two Reuters journalists, and Iraqi civilians, including the driver of a rescue vehicle, thus exposing multiple war crimes and US disregard for their own rules of engagement.
Army Private and research analyst Chelsea Manning leaked the video and massive archive of military documents—one of the biggest leaks in human history. She was betrayed by a personal friend she thought she could trust. When captured by authorities, she didn’t cave to pressure. She came out as a transgender woman. Manning’s 35-year sentence was reduced by President Obama, who originally prosecuted her, and she was released after 7 years, only to be jailed by a grand jury for 62 days, while recovering from gender transition surgery, for refusing to provide additional information to a federal grand jury.
“Rape” Allegations Amidst an International Manhunt
Four months after the Collateral Murder leak, in August 2010, Assange’s bank account was frozen in order to silence Wikileaks, forcing him to rely on the hospitality of supporters as he evaded a multi-million dollar international manhunt, partially exposed by Wikileaks in the Stratfor leaks.
As the manhunt against Assange intensified, in August 2010, he was in Sweden at a crayfish and beer party, a Swedish traditional event called kräftskiva. The host, identified as AA, wanted Assange to stay the night, according to two police witness statements,but Assange stayed with another woman, identified as SW. When the two women exchanged stories later, AA proposed they visit her police friend so the two women could get Assange to take a sexually transmitted disease test since they both claimed unprotected consensual sex occurred.
When AA took SW to see Swedish prosecutors the story was immediately leaked to the press—prosecutors changed SW’s testimony without her consent to claim rape had occurred. SW wrote to a friend while at the police station that she hadn’t wanted him to be charged with anything, but they were trying to get “their hands on him.”
Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, said, “I speak fluent Swedish and was thus able to read all of the original documents. I could hardly believe my eyes: According to the testimony of [SW] a rape had never even taken place at all. And not only that: The woman’s testimony was later changed by the Stockholm police without her involvement in order to somehow make it sound like a possible rape.”
"In a Twitter-message of 22 April 2013, AA herself publicly denied having been raped (jag har inte blivit våldtagen),” Melzer said.
Assange left for the UK after getting clearance to travel from investigators, but after he left, Sweden sent out an Interpol red notice, a global crime alert. An analyst from Stratfor, a US intelligence firm, wrote on an internal chat focused on taking Assange down: “Charges of sexual assault rarely are passed through Interpol red notices, like this case, so this is no doubt about trying to disrupt Wikileaks release of government documents.”
Assange offered to answer the investigators’ questions through video link, but said he would not return to Sweden unless he was given assurance that he would not be extradited on to the US. Swedish prosecutors refused to give that assurance. He then gained asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on the grounds that he was in danger of being extradited to the US to face charges for journalistic activity. The UK refused to honor Assange's asylum status, and so he was arbitrarily detained in the embassy, according to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detentionin an operation that cost UK taxpayers many millions in British pounds.
Now with the Swedish investigation closed without charges ever being filed, the US is working to set a legal precedent that will have a profound impact on the world for generations to come.
Hillary Clinton Corruption Exposed in 2016
Democratic Party operatives, and the CIA have publicly accused Wikileaks of getting a trove of emails from Russia regarding corrupt practices of US Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton during the 2016 US presidential race. But after a two year FBI investigation into the matter, costing $35 million, which declined to interview Assange, no hard evidence has yet been produced to confirm these authentic documents came through Russia, which Assange claimed were leaked by a non-state actor.
Excerped from Wikileaks.org
4 October 2006: WikiLeaks.org site registered
26 December 2006: Inside Somalia and the Union of Islamic Courts
9 September 2007: US Military Equipment & Army units in Afghanistan
30 August 2007: The looting of Kenya under President Moi
7 November 2007: Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
3 December 2007: Changes in Guantanamo Bay SOP manual –2003-2004
8 November 2007: US Military Equipment & units in Iraq
11 January 2008: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on Chalk River reactor
14 January 2008: 70 United Nations confidential reports
25 January 2008: Footage of 1995 disaster at the Japanese Monju nuclear reactor
January 2008: Julius Baer Banking Group Cayman Islands client data
24 March 2008: 150 censored videos and photos of the Tibet uprising
24 March 2008: Church of Scientology collected Operating Thetan documents
22 May 2008: Proposed US ACTA intellectual property trade agreement
11 July 2008: Shriners Hospitals for Children Special Investigative Report
17 July 2008: UK Counter Insurgency Operations Doctrine 2007
18 June 2008: Assassinated FARC spokesman Raul Reyes Yahoo mailbox
19 June 2008: Coca Cola incident report on the death of 10 children in Tanzania
23 July 2008: EU threatens to cut aid depending on outcome of 2007 trade talks
30 July 2008: US military analysis of world sea ports from 2002
22 August 2008: Belgium land tax registrar anonymizations
11 September 2008: Schaefer report missing pages on BND contacts with journalist
17 September 2008: Vice Presidential contender Sarah Palin emails
3 November 2008: European Commission anti-dumping & -subsidy investigations
18 November 2008: British National Party membership and contacts list – 2007-2008
9 December 2008: German Intelligence report on corruption in Kosovo
21 December 2008: 1,203 new websites censored by Thailand
12 January 2009: Craig Murray Suppressed book: The Catholic Orange Men of Togo
28 January 2009: Petrogate: Peruvian intercept recordings
1 February 2009: CIA Algeria chief Andrew Warren drug rape search affidavit
8 February 2009: 6780 US Congressional Research Service reports
20 February 2009: Scientology Secret Bibles
24 February 2009: EU-India Free Trade Agreement draft
24 February 2009: Credit Suisse: Commodity Warrant analysis of African economies
27 February 2009: WikiLeaks decrypts NATO documents on Afghanistan narrative
1 March 2009: Australian Defence Force classified propaganda doctrine
2 March 2009: RAND study on Intelligence Ops & Metrics in Iraq and Afghanistan
11 March 2009: Senator Norm Coleman campaign contributors and donations
16 March 2009: Barclays Bank offshore tax scam
18 March 2009: Australian government secret ACMA internet censorship blacklist
24 March 2009: Blood and Honour neo-Nazi network messages and passwords
8 April 2009: ICRC Report on Fourteen "High Value Detainee"s in CIA Custody
2 May 2009: China censorship keywords, policies & blacklists for Baidu search
8 May 2009: Bilderberg group internal reports & history – 1956 - 1980
10 June 2009: Green Dam censorship system brief to Chinese government
16 July 2009: Natanz Iranian nuke chief's mystery resignation during Stuxnet
30 July 2009: 205 companies owing collapsed Icelandic bank Kaupthing
14 September 2009: Minton report: Trafigura toxic dumping along the Ivory Coast
21 September 2009: Kroll Inc. private intelligence report on corruption in Norway
4 October 2009: UK Ministry of Defence Manual of Security Volumes 1, 2 and 3
November 2009: Climatic Research Unit emails, data, models – 1996-2009
13 November 2009: Plan for India's Unique 1.2 billion ID Database Project
November 2009: Climatic Research Unit emails, data, models –1996-2009
25 November 2009: 500,000 9/11 pager intercepts
26 March 2010: CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Europe
5 April 2010: Collateral Murder video of civilians & journalists in Baghdad
25 July 2010: 91,000 classified documents Afghan War Diaries – 2004-2010
22 October 2010: 391,000 reports Iraq War Logs – 2004-2009
28 November 2010: 250,000 US diplomatic cables Cablegate – 1966-2010
25 April 2011: Gitmo Files – files on 767 of 779 prisoners in Guantanamo Bay
1 & 8 December 2011: Spy Files exposing 160 companies in mass surveillance industries
27 February 2012: 5 million emails of contractor Stratfor – Global Intelligence Files
5 July 2012: 2.3 million emails from Syrian political elites – Syria Files
25 October 2012: Detainee Policies – US military custody rules and procedures
April 2013: 1.7 million Kissinger Cables from 1976-1979
19 May 2013: Prosecution & prison documents for Pirate Bay founder Anakata
4 September 2013: Spy Files exposing the mass surveillance industry, third release
13 November 2013: TPP – Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement - IP Chapter
9 December 2013: TPP – Second release of negotiating texts
15 January 2014: TPP – Environment Consolidated Text
8 April 2014: NETmundial Stakeholder Committee (EMC) Outcome Document 15
April 2014: EU External Freedom of Expression Policy
19 June 2014: TISA – Memorandum on Leaked Financial Services Text
29 July 2014: Australian gag order on reporting of multi-nation corruption case
15 September 2014: Spy Files exposing the mass surveillance industry, fourth release
16 October 2014: TPP – Updated Intellectual Property Chapter
21 December 2014: CIA Travel Advice To Operatives
16 April 2015: 30, 287 documents & 173,123 emails – The Sony Archives
12 May 2015: Bundestag Inquiry into BND and NSA – transcripts & summaries
19 June 2015: 500,000 cables & Foreign Ministry documents – The Saudi Cables
8 July 2015: 1 million searchable emails – Hacking Team malware vendor
31 July 2015: NSA targets 35 parliamentarians and companies in Tokyo
21 October 2015: CIA Director John Brennan emails
16 November 2015: 30 hours of SourceAmerica Tapes from AbilityOne scandal
16 November 2015: TPP – Final Texts
5 February 2016: China & France in dirty war for Africa's uranium & mineral rights
17 February 2016: Operation SOPHIA - EU refugee strategy
23 February 2016: NSA Targets heads of state and UN Secretary General
16 March 2016: 30, 000 emails from Hillary Clinton’s Archive
2 April 2016: IMF tape of Internal Meeting Predicting Greek 'Disaster'
9 May 2016: TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership text
25 May 2016: TISA – Trade in Services Agreement new documents
19 July 2016: Turkish Justice and Development Party (AKP) email database
22 July 2016: 19,252 emails, 8,034 US Democratic National Committee database
14 October 2016: TISA – Trade in Services Agreement new documents
16 February 2017: Three CIA tasking orders that show all major French political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA—context for the forth coming CIA Vault 7 series.
7 March 2017: Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
23 March 2017: Vault 7: Dark Matter: Documentation for several CIA projects that infect Apple Mac firmware
31 March 2017: Vault 7: Marble Framework: 676 source code files for the CIA's secret anti-forensic Marble Framework. Marble is used to hamper forensic investigators.
7 April 2017: Vault 7: Grasshopper: 27 documents from the CIA's Grasshopper framework, a platform used to build customized malware payloads for Microsoft Windows operating systems.
14 April 2017: Vault 7: Hive: Six documents from the CIA's HIVE project created by its "Embedded Development Branch" (EDB).
21 April 2017: Vault 7: Weeping Angel: The User Guide for CIA's "Weeping Angel" tool - an implant designed for Samsung F Series Smart Televisions. Based on the "Extending" tool from the MI5/BTSS, the implant is designed to record audio from the built-in microphone and egress or store the data.
28 April 2017: Vault 7: Scribbles: The documentation and source code for CIA's "Scribbles" project, a document-watermarking preprocessing system to embed "Web beacon"-style tags into documents that are likely to be copied by Insiders, Whistleblowers, Journalists or others.
5 May 2017: Vault 7: Archimedes: a tool used by the CIA to attack a computer inside a Local Area Network (LAN), usually used in offices.
12 May 2017: Vault 7: AfterMidnight and Assassin: two CIA malware frameworks for the Microsoft Windows platform.
19 May 2017: Vault 7: Athena: Provides remote beacon and loader capabilities on target computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
1 June 2017: Vault 7: Pandemic: A persistent implant for Microsoft Windows machines that share files (programs) with remote users in a local network.
15 June 2017: Vault 7: CherryBlossom: A means of monitoring the Internet activity of and performing software exploits on Targetsof interest. Developed and implemented with the help of the US nonprofit Stanford Research Institute (SRI International).
22 June 2017: Vault 7: Brutal Kangaroo: The documents describe how a CIA operation can infiltrate a closed network (or a single air-gapped computer) within an organization or enterprise without direct access.
28 June 2017: Vault 7: Elsa: A geo-location malware for WiFi-enabled devices like laptops running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
30 June 2017: Vault 7: OutlawCountry: Targets computers running the Linux operating system.
6 July 2017: Vault 7: Bothan Spy and Gyrfalcon: Designed to intercept and exfiltrate SSH credentials but work on different operating systems with different attack vectors.
13 July 2017: Vault 7: Highrise: Acts as a SMS proxy that provides greater separation between devices in the field ("targets") and the listening post (LP) by proxying "incoming" and "outgoing" SMS messages to an internet LP.
19 July 2017: Vault 7: UCL/Raytheon: Documents from the CIA contractor Raytheon Blackbird Technologies for the "UMBRAGE Component Library" (UCL) project.
27 July 2017: Vault 7: Imperial: Documents from the Imperialproject of the CIA.
31 July 2017: 21,075 Emails from French presidential campaign of Emmanual Macron.
3 August 2017: Vault 7: Dumbo: a capability to suspend processes utilizing webcams and corrupt any video recordings that could compromise [efforts] to gain and exploit physical access to target computers in CIA field operations.
10 August 2017: Vault 7: CouchPotato: A remote tool for collection against RTSP/H.264 video streams.
24 August 2017: Vault 7: ExpressLane: One of the cyber operations the CIA conducts against liaison services -- which includes NSA, DHS, and FBI.
31 August 2017: Vault 7: Angelfire: An implant comprised of five components: Solartime, Wolfcreek, Keystone (previously MagicWand), BadMFS, and the Windows Transitory File system.
7 September 2017: Vault 7: Protego: Documents regarding a PIC-based missile control system that was developed by Raytheon.
19 September 2017: Spy Files Continued: Russia: Exposing the mass surveillance industry.
9 November 2017: Vault 8: Hive: A major component of the CIA infrastructure to control its malware.
22 June 2018: ICE Patrol: A searchable archive of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees with LinkedIn profiles.
28 September 2018: Dealmaker: Al-Yousef: A secret document from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Court of Arbitration pertaining to a dispute over commission payment in relation to a $3.6 billion arms deal between French state-owned company GIAT Industries SA (now Nexter Systems) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
11 October 2018: AmazonAtlas: a "Highly Confidential" internal document from the cloud computing provider Amazon. To accompany this document, WikiLeaks also created a map showing where Amazon’s data centers are located. Amazon is the leading cloud provider for the United States intelligence community.
21 December 2018: US Embassy Shopping List: A searchable database of more than 16,000 procurement requests posted by United States Embassies around the world.
30 January 2019: Pope’s Orders: A set of documents from the Catholic Church that shed light on the power struggle within the highest offices.
12 + 26 November 2019: Fishrot Files Part 1 and 2: Documents pertaining to the Fishrot case that have come to light as a result of investigation into bribes, money laundering and tax evasion.
27 December 20019: OPCW-DOUMA: Final of 4 part release: Documents from the OPCW regarding the investigation into the alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria, in April 2018.