
Red fist iwth red circle around it

Thursday, March 7, 7-9pm
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 30 W. Woodruff
Join us for a gathering to make art and posters, eat food, and prepare for International Women's Day. We will discuss two upcoming International Women's Day events: the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' march to get Wendy's off campus, and the sit-in/rally at DeWine's office to protest the 6-week ban on abortion.

CIW March:

Stop the 6-Week Ban! sit in and rally:

International Women’s Day developed out of socialist struggles in the early 1900s which demanded women’s voting rights, creation of nurseries, free meals and learning tools in schools and kindergartens, social assistance for mothers, single parents, and children, and creation of labor laws for working women.

Today those socialist feminist struggles have taken the form of demanding an end to rape culture and domestic violence through the me too movement, justice for farmworkers, equality for LGBTQ people, the funding of schools, access to free and safe abortion and healthcare, the opening of borders, an end to racism, and an end to environmental abuses.

#feminismforthe99 #internationalwomensday #feminismfrombelow #womensstrike

Read about what happens when women workers lead the way in the new Socialist Worker paper -