Friday, August 24, 10:30 am
Columbus, Ohio, Franklin County Board Of Elections, 1700 Morse Rd, Columbus, OH 43229
Concerned citizens are invited to a special meeting of the Franklin County Board of Elections (BOE), Friday, August 24 at 10:30am, the Columbus Community Bill of Rights attorney Terry Lodge will present the legal arguments in support of the Columbus Community Bill of Rights ordinance to clear its passage on the November ballot. Once on the ballot, all Columbus voters will have a voice in protecting their water.
After the citizen-led initiative qualified with enough signatures and was approved by the Columbus City Council to go on the ballot, a single Columbus citizen, Loretta A. Settlemeyer filed a protest with the BOE. It has been discovered that she is a legal assistant at the law firm Bricker & Eckler LLP, a firm that has been involved in other attempts by residents throughout the state to protect their communities from oil/gas projects. Her attorneys will present her case as to why her single voice should be allowed to take away the voices of all other Columbus voters.
Two different Columbus city attorneys on three different occasions have determined that the Columbus Community Bill of Rights initiative passes the legal requirements set forth by the Columbus City Charter. On July 30, 2018, the Columbus City Council ordered and provided for the submission of the initiated ordinance to the electors at the November 6, 2018 election. Settlemeyer never voiced her objections at any of the three city council meetings when the Community Bill of Rights initiative appeared on the agenda.
This is the third rescheduled BOE hearing. Each postponement has delayed the decision to put this hard-won citizen-led initiative on the November ballot.
Volunteers and supporters of the Columbus Community Bill of Rights will be attending this pivotal hearing and decision at the Franklin County Board of Elections.
See following Press Release following City Council’s decision:
Carolyn Harding, Co-organizer
Bill Lyons, Co-organizer