
Details about event

Saturday, August 14, 7-8pm

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 06

Also available at 7pm on Facebook Live:

Facebook Event:

Since we aren't getting together in person, we can gather for a couple hours on the second Saturday night of each month from 7-8:00pm Eastern Time on Zoom.

"Radical Nutrition: From Seeds to Table"
Julialynne Walker on Columbus' near east side Bronzeville neighborhood community garden and food market.
Eriyah Flynn of Vegan Shift on the importance of veganism,
Kwesi Low of Columbus Stand UP! on upcoming Environmental Justice talks
Harvey Wasserman will talk about the August 28 March on Washington.

Q & A included.

If you have any announcements for the
progressive community, contact us:

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Meeting ID: 839 0659 0837