Two men in foreground of people sitting in chairs, one younger white man with dark rimmed glasses with his hand over his mouth holding a pen, and the other a white haired white man, both in dark suits

Don McTigue (right) with colleague

The Free Press Salutes Jeffrey Wadsworth

The Free Press salutes former Ohio State University trustee Jeffrey Wadsworth who resigned from the University’s board after disagreeing with Urban Meyer’s three-game suspension. The New York Times reported that Wadsworth felt the punishment should be stronger. He appears to be the one lone trustee on the OSU board voicing concern about the message the University was sending to the community regarding domestic violence, dishonesty and the destruction of public records.

Enemies of the People – Attorney Don McTigue and the Franklin County Board of Elections

The members of the Franklin County Board of Elections (BOE) are the Free Press enemies of the people, after effectively stripping 560,000 Columbus citizens of their right to vote on a ballot measure entitled Community Bill of Rights for Water, Soil, and Air Protection and to Prohibit Gas and Oil Extraction and Related Activities and Projects Ordinance.

The local group, Columbus Community Bill of Rights (CCBOR), qualified the measure, gathering more than 12,000 signatures. The Columbus City Council approved the measure to advance to the ballot on July 30. At the Franklin County Board of Elections hearing Friday, August 24, the BOE members met in front of a large group of CCBOR supporters. Many held signs demanding clean air, clean water and no frack waste in Columbus. Radioactive frack waste may be trucked through Columbus, elements dumped in our landfills and injecting waste into our water system upriver. Chants included “Not Another Flint!”

Denying Columbus voters the right to vote on the initiative were Franklin County BOE members:

Doug Preisse (R)

Brad Sinott (R)

Kim Marinello (D)

Michael Sexton (D)

Ohio Democratic super attorney Don McTigue must not have made enough money representing Bill Clinton, Michael Coleman, John Kerry and the Cleveland City Council – so he had to shill for the interests of the fracking industry and fight against the Columbus Community Bill of Rights. His firm McTigue and Colombo filed the protest with the BOE and argued at the hearing to squash the initiative. The Free Press honors him with the Enemy of the People ranking this month as well.

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