Birds around a barbed wire fence that has been broken down

Free Them All: 1000 Conversations for Decarceration
Friday, May 8, 2020, 4:00 -7:00 PM
Will you take on action right now and sign up for our upcoming phonebanks to #FreeThemAll? We have had 320 conversations and recruited those people into taking 437 actions. We need you to reach 680 more people and ask them to take an action to #FreeThemAll. Decarcerate Recruitment Phone Bank Sign Up here

Freedom Fridays: Decarceration in the time of COVID
Friday, May 8, 2020
Fridays in May fill out this form if you are interested in taking action in May.  SURJ chapters and partner organizations will be taking action on Fridays in May to show a coordinated national effort to #FreeThemAll. We will help amplify your actions on social media and may be able to get some national media attention. View this SURJ Decarceration toolkit for ideas on how to take action and who to target.