Yes on 1 sign

Hello, fellow Ohioans, 

I just finished reading, and rereading, and then reading again, what I thought would be a straight forward explanation of Amendment 1. The amendment appears on the November 5, Ohio presidential ballot.. 

But, after actually reading the amendment, I was confused, disappointed, and just plain mad, because I knew I was going to vote, “YES”, but after reading the amendment, I couldn’t decide what a “YES” vote actually means!

The language is purposely deceptive and misleading, as written by our Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, but if voters pass this amendment, gerrymandering by politicians will no longer be legal in our state.

If you find this kind of dishonesty hard to believe, or are just as confused as I was, check the Ohio sample ballot, by following the below link.  Once on the page, you’ll need to click on your county. Then scroll through the candidates and on the third page, you’ll find the sample Issue1 ballot. Just read the first paragraph and you’ll understand my concern.

And, the retired Republican Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, Maureen O’Connor agrees with me! She wrote, “It’s one grotesque abuse of power after another from politicians desperate to protect the current system that only benefits themselves and their lobbyist friends.”

Do not allow the politicians to get away with this!  

To stop gerrymandering by politicians, Vote “YES” on Issue 1.